
Results for "Yoga"

Displaying 81-90 results of 90

woman sitting near creek
Stress and Anxiety
Stress hurts our bodies. It increases our blood pressure and our cortisol levels, lowers our immune function, and contributes to a wide range of symptoms such as headaches, digestive disturbances, muscle pain, palpitations, insomnia, weight gain, substance abuse, and hormonal imbalances. A lifetime of stress can contribute to a heart attack, cancer, thyroid problems, and […]
Can Acupuncture Help to Turn a Breech Baby?
At The Yinova Center, we have a reputation for being able to help to turn breech babies. So much so that many midwives and OB’s send their patients to us when they find out that the baby is breech. A breech baby is one whose head is upwards so that she is likely to come […]
5 Healthy Ways to Start Your Day
I have an admission to make… at Yinova we are not paragons of virtue. Patients visiting us for the first time sometimes imagine that we will be scarily macrobiotic practitioners who will pour scorn on their efforts to take care of themselves. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We are all working people who, like […]
Uterine Fibroids – How you can help yourself
A 35 year old patient came to see me because of heavy periods which resulted in a  diagnoses of anemia. A 45 year old patient whose abdomen protruded so much that their friends had mistakenly thought they were pregnant. A 39 year old patient who was having difficulty conceiving.. What all these patients had in […]
Headshot of Yinova practitioner Carly Sorensen
Carly Sorensen, LAc, MS, RN
Carly Sorensen is a licensed and board-certified acupuncturist, herbalist, and registered nurse. She has studied and practiced Eastern medicine, bodywork, and healing practices for the past decade. Carly graduated from Long Island University with a BS and then graduated from Pacific College of Health and Science with a Degree in Chinese and Herbal Medicine. She […]
Yinova Practitioner, Thea McCallion, LAc, MS
Thea McCallion, DACM, LAc
Thea McCallion comes to Yinova with 18 years of professional experience as a Doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, licensed acupuncturist, nationally board-certified clinical herbalist, and educator. She credits her formative years studying and working in Japan and China as the beginning of her journey to becoming a practitioner of East Asian Medicine. In 2002, […]
Patricia Botet, DACM, LAc
Patricia Botet is a licensed Acupuncturist, NCCAOM board-certified herbalist, and certified Sports Medicine Acupuncture Specialist. She holds her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine, a BS in Finance and International Business, and is the Clinic Director of our East Side location. Dr. Botet has undergone a multitude of […]
Jessa Zinn, SIP
Jessa Zinn is a Structural Integrator in the Rolf Method. She began her studies in 2001 under the guidance of Advanced Certified Rolfer, Marcelo Countinho and did her certification at the Guild for Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado. Since 2002 Jessa has been studying anatomy, muscle harmony and postural assessment with neuro-muscular movement specialist Irene Dowd. […]
Anne Brunn, LAc, MS
Anne has over two decades of experience & specializes in women's health. She leads Yinova's renowned Fertility Group. Anne is a licensed & board-certified acupuncturist & herbalist with a Masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Health & Science.
Fertility Types
Women’s Fertility In her book Making Babies, Jill identified five fertility types. These work for both men and women and were based on the Yinova Method developed here in our center. Below is some advice for each type (there’s a lot more detail in the book). You can take a quiz to find out your […]
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