
Results for "Yoga"

Displaying 71-80 results of 90

Someone sitting in a chair, ready to stretch their back so as to alleviate back pain
Pilates for Back Pain
There’s nothing fun about back pain, and trying to find its root cause can be equally frustrating. You may have heard that strengthening the core is key, but that takes time. When you’re seeking more immediate relief, there are some simple stretches that can help relieve the tension that builds in the lower back. Legs Up […]
Endometriosis – A Chinese Medicine Approach
Endometriosis is one of the leading causes of pelvic pain we see here at the Yinova Center. It can seriously affect one’s ability to conceive and can also cause uncomfortable, heavy, or irregular periods. Sometimes there are no symptoms associated with endometriosis and it is only discovered when someone is seeking treatment for infertility. What […]
a close up of a woman holding a tan blanket around her shoulders
8 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Circulation
Do your hands and feet ever get noticeably colder than the rest of you? Maybe you wake up before your extremities do? Perhaps you get pins and needles if you sit for too long? These are all signs of mild circulatory problems that many of my patients ignore or dismiss as a minor inconvenience. However, in Chinese […]
Wintery landscape
Winter Blues: Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder
It is early November and the exhilarating colors of autumn are falling away with the leaves. For many of my patients, the desire to get outside and “take it all in” is also starting to give way to dreams of hibernation. By nature, we all slow down during the winter months. According to Chinese Medicine, […]
jars of nuts spilled on a table
Eating to Conceive: The Importance of Healthy Fats
Imani* had been a strict dieter since college. Georgie* is a yoga teacher and considers themselves a healthy eater. Anne* prides themselves on their macrobiotic diet and low body fat. All of these patients have something in common: all of them came to the Yinova Center because they were having trouble getting pregnant. Each of […]
pregnant person holding their belly
How to Turn a Breech Baby
Getting a diagnosis of a breech presentation is not fun. I have had two myself, one frank and one transverse, so I am no stranger to the news. I had done everything under the sun to get my baby to turn and both did ultimately-but with two totally different births. It’s healthy to encourage a […]
How to Combat Jet Lag, Gently & Naturally
This is the time of year when our Yinova Center patients ask us about jet lag. Some people travel more in the summer and as a result, our patients are looking for safe, natural ways of limiting jet lag or desynchronosis to give it it’s proper medical name. A long flight on a stuffy plane […]
Using Chinese Medicine to Treat PCOS
Several recent studies have explored the use of acupuncture to treat polycystic ovary syndrome in women * with encouraging results. We see quite a number of patients who are suffering from PCOS at the Yinova Center and have found that a combination of acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can be really helpful for managing a […]
Working on a laptop
How We Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome refers to a collection of symptoms such as wrist pain, numb and tingling fingers, and weak hands.  It happens when the median nerve gets compressed because of inflammation leading to constriction in the narrow passageway between the bones and ligaments on the underside of the wrist. In my experience, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is […]
Woman stretching her arms post workout
Treating Muscle Soreness after Exercise
Several of our patients are running in today’s New York Marathon. We want you to know that we’re rooting for you all. It’s a huge achievement to train for and complete a marathon and we have been happy to support our patients in the run-up. I expect I’ll be treating some sore muscles in the […]
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