
Results for "Yoga"

Displaying 61-70 results of 90

Our Thanksgiving Digestive Survival Guide
We all know that Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends. But it’s no secret that the real focus of the last Thursday in November’s festivities is food. Though overdoing it may be easy to achieve this holiday season, some may be dreading dinnertime in fear of a digestive nightmare. To ward off an […]
Someone standing outside in a snowstorm with a moss green winter coat on
5 Tips on Fighting the End-of-Winter Blahs
It’s been a long, long winter. Spring may have technically sprung, but most of us aren’t feeling very excited about it with the continued cold and dreary weather. In my treatment rooms at the Yinova Center, there is a resounding answer of “Blah” from my patients when I ask how they are feeling. The typical […]
Legs, seductively strewn across some tangled bedsheets
Yin, Yang, and Your Relationship
One of the keys to a happy sex life in Chinese medicine is the ability to balance and connect. The ancient Taoists believed that every relationship is a complex balancing act, namely balancing yin and yang. You can read more about yin and yang in Chapters 3 and 4 of Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido. […]
holiday treats
My Top 5 Instant Stress-Busters for the Holiday Season (and Beyond!)
This is a fun time of year, but it’s stressful for most people. And here at the Yinova Center, I’ve recently been treating a lot of insomnia and neck and shoulder tension. According to the CDC, 85% of diseases have an emotional component, and a 20-year study, conducted by researchers at the University of London, […]
Someone in a Lucious green park, holding a sign that says,
Thanksgiving Thoughts: In Appreciation of Appreciation
Many years ago, when my daughter Emma was small, we kept a gratitude journal, the two of us, for a whole year. Every night we’d each write down something we were grateful for. I’d like to pretend this was my idea, but it wasn’t. Emma, who was six at the time, was inspired by something […]
“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Musculoskeletal Discomfort
Even very early in pregnancy, your body begins to transform to accommodate and prepare for childbirth. Your pelvic girdle shifts to support a growing fetus and as pregnancy advances, weight is redistributed sometimes stressing musculoskeletal structures as they shift, adjust, and realign. This causes a change in your center of gravity. Some of the hormones […]
pregnant woman sitting by water fountain
“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Changes in Elimination Patterns
Today we move south through the gastrointestinal tract to the other end, which may present some issues as well. Changes in regularity are thought to be caused by a number of factors: Hormones of pregnancy contribute to a relaxation of smooth muscles including those of the large intestine. Some iron supplements can cause constipation as […]
Clean lungs on a model skeleton
Can Acupuncture Help Me Stop Smoking?
Here at The Yinova Center we often hear from people who are trying to give up smoking. We understand that quitting smoking can be really tough and we want to support you in whatever way we can. So can acupuncture help? The answer according to clinical research is mixed. This study compared acupuncture to sham […]
Massages for Happy Menstruations
Have you ever wondered why you get cramps, crabby, or dark brown blood with your period? Most of us never got the full story of what our periods are really supposed to be like. A period should be like a finely tuned orchestra. Maybe a little warm-up for about an hour with a bit of […]
“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Conquering Pregnancy Fatigue
What an exciting time it is anticipating the birth of your baby, whether it is your first or a new addition to your growing family.  We can say with confidence, there are few experiences in life that top the moment your pregnancy is confirmed. At the Yinova Center in NYC, we offer acupuncture, herbal remedies, […]
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