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Displaying 481-490 results of 586

someone sunbathing on a beach whilst using sunscreen to protect themselves from the suns rays
How to Find a Non-Toxic Sunscreen
We all know the importance of sunscreen when it comes to preventing skin damage and protecting skin from cancer, however, did you know that most people use either too little sunscreen or the wrong kind and may end up doing more harm than good? The Environmental Working Group caused a stir a couple of years […]
Eat to Beat Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are most commonly seen as an infection of the urethra and bladder but if left untreated can develop into a more serious infection of the kidneys. They are caused by germs, usually, the bacteria E. Coli from the digestive system, entering the urinary tract through the urethra, and spreading to […]
Lunar New Year celebrations for the year of the dragon, a festive lit up dragon decorates the town!
Gung Hay Fat Choy! Happy Lunar New Year!
January 23rd marks the start of the Lunar New Year. In China, in particular, this time is known as the “Spring Festival” and it marks the end of the Winter season. Since the Chinese follow a Lunisolar calendar, the festival begins on the first day of the first Chinese lunar month. A long holiday, spanning […]
fresh bowl of yogurt with berries
Can Probiotics Help You Get Lean?
With recent research suggesting a link between obesity and the overuse of antibiotics, we thought it might be a fitting time to discuss probiotics.  When we take antibiotics, we alter our community of healthy intestinal bacteria.  It may surprise you to learn that the bacteria in our bodies outnumber our human cells by a ratio […]
Woman in orange shirt standing by brick wall
How to Spot the Early Signs of Pregnancy
Our patient’s often ask us what the early signs of pregnancy are. It is useful to look out for them even though they can be a little confusing. Realistically, the only conclusive way of knowing that you are pregnant is a positive pregnancy test however the signs outlined below may give you a hint. Our […]
Vaginal Steams: Everything You Want to Know
Last year an  L.A. Times article on “Vaginal Steaming” caused much to comment on the internet and many of our Yinova Center patients asked us about it.  Most giggled a bit with embarrassment and some were intrigued but it seems that what people want to know is — should they steam their uterus? Known in […]
Wintery landscape
Winter Blues: Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder
It is early November and the exhilarating colors of autumn are falling away with the leaves. For many of my patients, the desire to get outside and “take it all in” is also starting to give way to dreams of hibernation. By nature, we all slow down during the winter months. According to Chinese Medicine, […]
Practitioner giving acupuncture to a patient
New Research from Duke University Medical Center about Acupuncture
For many years I practiced acupuncture in a hospital setting so I was interested to see this research from Duke University Medical Center that using acupuncture during surgery alongside conventional anesthesia can speed recovery and decrease discomfort for patients. You can watch a video about this groundbreaking program here. Anesthesiologist Dr. T.J. Gan, prompted by […]
A Healing Chicken Soup to Ward off Colds & Flu
For hundreds of years, chicken soup has been a traditional remedy for a cold. Our grandmothers swore by it and each culture has a version of this healing recipe. These days Western scientists have begun to study chicken soup and have found that it has healing properties because it contains natural chemicals similar to those […]
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