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Displaying 251-260 results of 586

Treating Teenage Acne with Chinese Herbs
We treat a lot of teenagers at the Yinova Center and it makes me so happy that they feel comfortable coming in to see us and are able to use Chinese medicine as a way of taking care of themselves. As a parent I know, first hand, that teenagers can be sensitive and vulnerable and […]
Working on a laptop
How We Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome refers to a collection of symptoms such as wrist pain, numb and tingling fingers, and weak hands.  It happens when the median nerve gets compressed because of inflammation leading to constriction in the narrow passageway between the bones and ligaments on the underside of the wrist. In my experience, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is […]
Sitting in some tall grass, peacefully
Unexplained Infertility
Patients who have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility often find it a great relief that their seemingly random collection of symptoms make sense from a Chinese medicine perspective. They have usually undertaken a battery of tests by the time they visit us at the Yinova Center and their first question is, “If nothing is wrong, […]
sliced cucumbers
Fertility-Friendly Recipes From One of Our Patients
One of our lovely Yinova patients was reading our book Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility when they had a thought: why don’t we start sharing some fertility-friendly recipes on the blog? I loved the idea and thought their first two recipe suggestions were great! These recipes are inspired by our book and […]
baking sheet with salmon and asparagus
Should Pregnant People Eat Fish?
Different government departments disagree about how much fish pregnant and nursing women should be eating. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) suggests that two 6oz servings a week is safe, a position that some in the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) disagree with because of mercury levels in some fish. How confusing! This was just the […]
bees on orange slices
Amazing New Pictures of the Moment of Ovulation
This morning I have been exchanging emails with a patient who is newly pregnant. The couple has been trying to conceive for several years and they are thrilled to have finally achieved their goal. I am so happy for them and feel very privileged to have played a small part in their journey. As I […]
Two friends stand on a beautiful cliff side
Friends Forever: Our Refer a Friend Program is Here to Stay!
Now, whenever you refer a friend to any of our Yinova locations, you’ll receive $20 added to your account which you can use on acupuncture, massage, Chinese herbs, or products from our store & they’ll get $20 off their initial consultation! If there is someone in your life who you think could benefit from seeing […]
red corn in a basket
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to you all I have much to be thankful for. When I think about The Yinova Center, what I am most grateful for is the sense of community that we have been able to create. All of us – practitioners, administrators, and patients feel connected. I love the fact that I can walk into […]