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Displaying 191-200 results of 586

Tired and Wired? There’s Herbs for That!
Maybe you remember a time in college during finals when you studied late into the night, cramming a semester’s worth of material while fueling yourself with cookies and peanut butter cups, only to go completely blank when taking the exam the next morning. Or maybe you experience something similar now with work projects that require […]
The healing power of mushrooms
Healing Power of Mushrooms: What Chernobyl’s Mysterious Black Fungi Reveal
In the aftermath of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, researchers discovered something remarkable: jet-black fungi growing inside the nuclear reactors. These fungi, adapted to life in the exclusion zone, where radiation levels are high, have a superpower: they can absorb and consume radiation. Their high melanin content, the same pigment that gives human skin its color, […]
Treating hair for dandruff.
Flake-Free Forever: The Secret to Getting Rid of Dandruff
Dandruff—itchy scalp and pale flakes of skin that find their way onto your shoulders. It’s a cause of discomfort and embarrassment for many people, and it can be hard to treat because there are many potential causes.  Dry Skin: When your scalp lacks moisture, it becomes prone to flaking. Dry skin cells shed more readily, […]
Acu-Magnets and their Magic
Acupressure is a fantastic way to access the acupuncture points without actually using an acupuncture needle. Acupressure is great for people who can’t make it in to see their acupuncturist regularly or even for people who simply aren’t comfortable with needles to get acupuncture. Acupressure is the simple act of manually pressing on an acupuncture […]
Woman in an oversized purple shirt sits at a table and is painting
Fatigue & Qi Deficiency: Living with Long-Term Covid
We are living in a time where it is inevitable that you, or someone you love, has been infected with Covid or one of the other infectious variants. While many of us seem to glide through the illness and quarantine, ready to jump back into daily life on the other side, others have found it […]
Sex After Baby: Insight from a Pelvic Floor Therapist
You’ve just grown and carried a baby in your body for 9 (+) months, birthed said baby (vaginally or C-section), nurtured and cared for that baby with minimal sleep or time for yourself, healed from the physical trauma of delivery, and then are told you’re cleared for sex six weeks later. Don’t feel ready yet? […]
Woman standing in a maze of greenery
Navigating Your Fertility Journey Through a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
In the year 2020, it has been predicted that an estimated 276,480 women* in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and 48,530 women* will be diagnosed with non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer. For someone receiving a diagnosis like this, among a wide range of new concerns, thoughts of how to start a […]
How Barre Changed My Life: An Interview with Kristine Storie of Xtend Barre
Over the years, since moving into our Brooklyn Heights location, we’ve had the privilege of meeting many incredible people and businesses right in our neighborhood. Xtend Barre is one of those places, in fact; they’re our neighbors! Every one of their instructors is a shining beacon of light. Filled with love and compassion, they’ve truly […]
A woman in an orange dress walks into a vibrant green field
Trying to Conceive with PCOS & Endometriosis: A Patient’s Story
Mia* was on the verge of giving up trying to conceive. With a PCOS and endometriosis diagnosis, coupled with multiple failed IVF attempts, her doctor had told her that her chances of having a baby were less than 1%. Her hope was steadily declining, which is when she decided to try acupuncture. She’d heard it […]
The Energy Medicine book on a shelf with tincture bottles
September Book Club: Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing
Join Yinova founder and author, Dr. Jill Blakeway, for this month’s book club where we’ll be discussing her latest book, “Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing.” This book bridges the gap between science and spirituality whilst offering a persuasive, evidence-based case that advances this ancient healing practice. Join us on September 30th a […]
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