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Displaying 131-140 results of 586

Making Babies, a book written by Jill ablkway. The cover shows a baby looking up
April Book Club: Making Babies
The next Yinova Book Club will be held on April 28th at 6:00 pm EST and will be led by Yinova Founder and Jill Blakeway where she will be discussing her book, Making Babies: A Proven Three Month Program for Maximum Fertility. (You can also download this book on Audible.) The discussion is free to […]
Trees against purple night sky
An Exploration into ‘The Pull of the Stars’
The Yinova Book Club’s selection for our March meeting is a novel that’s drawn attention for a startling relevance to current events. Irish-Canadian author Emma Donoghue has received a number of literary awards since her career began in 1994, but her latest novel has earned a different distinction. The Pull of the Stars, set in […]
October Book Club: Mystical Motherhood
Join us on October 27th at 6 pm for a discussion with Pritam Atma about her first book, “Mystical Motherhood“. Combining Western and Eastern traditions, Mystical Motherhood, is your conscious guide to modern motherhood – from meditation and spirituality to a healthy pregnancy and birth – you will be guided step-by-step on how to raise […]
A book open on a table with peaches and grapes
August Book Club: The Big Letdown
For this month’s Yinova Book Club, we will be reading “The Big Letdown” by Kimberly Seals Allers. This book outlines the sensitive topic of lactation and how certain external factors do a lot to influence how new parents think about it.  “Pediatricians say you should but it’s okay if you don’t. The hospital says, “Breast is best,” […]
woman standing in sunlight field of flowers
Summer Skin Protection Tips
Summer has finally arrived and after spending months waiting to get back outside, it’s time to reunite with the outdoors and, of course, the sunshine. While we are anxiously reaching for Vitamin D, we are exposing our skin to the effects of radiant rays from the Sun. Protecting yourself is extremely important during this time […]
woman walking through a field
Reconnecting with Your Cycle
Here at Yinova, many of our patients are feeling off-kilter right now and have flagged that their cyclical patterns (from menstruation to sleep; eating habits to adjusting to seasonal change, and more) are running amuck. Whenever our routines are disrupted, our cycles also tend to get disrupted; all of our cycles.  Establishing a routine When […]
Book cover for
June Book Club – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
For this month’s Yinova Book Club, we will be reading “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures” by Anne Fadiman.  This book explores a clash of cultures between a small hospital in California and a refugee family from Laos and how cultural […]
Woman looking up
How much IVF is too much?
Choosing to pursue IVF can leave you with many questions. One of the most common questions we hear a lot at Yinova is, “How much IVF is too much?” This is an excellent question and like so many important questions posed to medical practitioners: it depends.  We live in a time and place where Assisted […]
How to Prepare For a Cleanse
Spring cleaning is a common chore we do every year; it helps us refresh and bring balance and order into our homes. Much like our homes, spring cleaning our bodies can be a nice transition into the new season, but choosing the right cleanse for you is a process in itself.  Before we talk about how […]
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