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Displaying 441-450 results of 554

A close up shot of some rhubarb stalks, the gradient changing from a ruby red to a pale yellow
How to Make Rhubarb Juice
Did you know that rhubarb is a Chinese herb? These days we think of it as a tasty pie filling, but rhubarb has been used for thousands of years in Asia to benefit digestion and treat liver and gallbladder problems. More recently there has been research about using rhubarb to fight cancer. It’s a useful […]
Is Pelvic Pain Preventing a Better Sex Life?
Chronic pelvic pain, also known as vaginal pain, perineal pain, ‘pain down there’, or pelvic floor muscle pain, is a common problem. It affects approximately one in seven women*. In one study of reproductive-aged women* in primary care practices, the reported prevalence rate of pelvic pain was 39%. Of all referrals to gynecologists, 10% are […]
Boost Your Libido with the Food you Eat
We’ve been talking about sex quite a bit lately at the Yinova Center, with our director Jill Blakeway’s recent release of her second book Sex Again. In her comprehensive look at libido, Jill writes about how to rebuild the connection with our sexuality and desire from within ourselves and our relationship. Since this week brings […]
5 Natural Hangover Helpers
New Year’s Eve is often a time when even the healthiest of us throw caution to the wind and break out the champagne. The best advice is, of course, to avoid a hangover in the first place. And how? Simply by limiting your alcohol, drinking plenty of water, and making sure you eat enough, you […]
A green and blue kitchen filled with cooking utensils
What Does Your Acupuncturist Eat? A Look Inside Amanda’s Refrigerator
Amanda Silver is nicknamed The Yinova “Rock Star” for a reason. Her ability to develop personal relationships with her patients, co-workers, family, and self is a true testament to the “Ying-Yang” balance of her being. Her holistic approach to life translates to her diet and is visually seen through her refrigerator. Your refrigerator is quite […]
Various forms of hormonal birth control
Can Longterm Birth Control Use Affect Your Fertility?
If you haven’t heard, birth control pills have become free to insured Americans as of August 1, 2012. Also, pap smears, mammograms, HIV and other STI screenings and counseling, gestational diabetes screenings during pregnancy, lactation support and equipment, and domestic violence screenings all became available the same day. Soon, all Americans (not just those who […]
Classic Brooklyn street, with a cobbled road and brownstone houses, looking at the Brooklyn bridge
What is Kristin McGee’s Advice on Relaxing in NYC?
First of all, thank you so much for your time. We know how busy you are! My first question is about Chinese medicine – what is your exposure to it and/or thoughts on it? I think Chinese medicine is fascinating. One of my favorite yoga teachers, Nevine Michaan, works a lot with Chinese medicine and […]
Eat to Beat Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are most commonly seen as an infection of the urethra and bladder but if left untreated can develop into a more serious infection of the kidneys. They are caused by germs, usually, the bacteria E. Coli from the digestive system, entering the urinary tract through the urethra, and spreading to […]
What Type Are You? The 5 Elements
Do you prefer soft floating fabrics or something more structured and formal? Do you love being by water or prefer walking in the country? Are you quick to anger or someone who keeps things bottled up? Are you naturally lean and muscular or is your body more curvy and rounded? Do you come alive in […]
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