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Displaying 261-270 results of 554

So, You’ve Tried Almond Milk; What About Golden Milk?
Jill visits the Hudson-Chatham Winery to talk to Carlo DeVito about his journey from wine critic to winemaker. Jill and Carlo discuss how wine is made and some of the unexpected pitfalls of running a vineyard. Then Jill is in the kitchen with Chinese medicine practitioner Heidi Lovie who shares her recipe for Golden Milk, […]
What do Boxing and Meditation Have in Common?
Jill sits down with John Gilbert from Berry Farm to ask him about hydroponic gardening on this week’s Grow section. Hydroponics, simply put, is the process by which one grows produce without soil. So if you’re not using any soil, then what are you using? A combination process of growing your produce in water, and then manually […]
How To Think About Exercise: A Book Review
While wandering around The Strand in New York City for something different to read, I came across this book, How to Think About Exercise, by Damon Young on a “expand your horizons” table. It can be best categorized as exercise philosophy. While I was excited to find such a nuanced exercise book for myself, I […]
The Domino Effect
The Domino Effect is also known as the dreaded compensatory pattern, and I’m betting many of you have experienced the domino effect without having had a name for it.
DIY Treatments For An Itchy Scalp
Whether you have scalp psoriasis, or just irritation caused by a dry, flaky scalp, here are several natural and affordable do it yourself DIY treatments to help soothe your symptoms.
Healthy Foods You Can Use To Offset Your Cravings
Can’t stop thinking about that Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey that’s just sitting there in your freezer? How about when you’ve had a long and busy day: surely you deserve that bag of chips? What about when you’re tired and you need some extra sugar as a pick-me-up? Thoughts like this aren’t uncommon, and food […]
Chemicals to Avoid When Trying to Conceive
When trying to conceive, it’s important to prepare your body by cleaning up your diet and dropping some unhealthy habits. This isn’t always easy, but it it’s definitely worth making some sacrifices in order to have a healthy pregnancy. Here are a few key chemicals to start with that will impact your journey in a […]
Structural Integration and Postpartum Health
Naturally after our beautiful babies arrive in the world we notice that our bodies are changed by the experience. While some of these changes will be with us for the duration (hello stretch marks!), other changes ebb away with time and our body gradually returns to some version of its previous self.
Exercise & Fertility: How Much Should You be Doing?
Exercise can improve circulation, prevent chronic disease (i.e. Cardiovascular disease), manage and/or prevent metabolic syndromes (i.e. pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes mellitus), help manage anxiety and moderate depression, and help manage and prevent weight gain, just to name a few. But did you know that it can also boost your fertility? Being healthy is important for […]
Ginseng: Getting to the Root
If there’s one Asian herb that everyone has heard of, it’s ginseng – Panax ginseng to give it it’s full name. It’s often thought of as a stimulant, although Ginseng is actually more sophisticated than that. In traditional Chinese herbology, we use it to strengthen digestion, improve lung function, reduce anxiety, and increase energy. In fact, when Ginseng came to the […]
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