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Displaying 11-20 results of 554

Yinova Took Part in The Color Run!
Early last Saturday morning, a group of Yinova staff and friends headed out to the Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn for The Color Run! Known as the “happiest 5k on the planet”, the Color Run was started in 2011 to promote health and happiness by bringing people together for a fun run and then covering them […]
Yinova branded ear seed kit laying on fluffy white carpet
The Wonderful World of Ear Acupoints and Ear Seeds
Did you know that your ear is a microcosm of the rest of your body? “What does that even mean?” I hear you ask!  That means that your entire body is represented in your ear by dozens of acupoints. This microsystem reflects our health and can be used for treatment; in fact, ear acupuncture can be an […]
5 Ways to Reduce your Risk of Breast Cancer
Most people who develop breast cancer have no genetic risk at all (that we know of). Some have less serious genetic issues that slightly increase their risk of breast cancer, a risk that can be managed and offset by adopting some lifestyle changes. And only very few (one in 400-800) carry the BRAC1 gene mutation […]
The Yinova Gift Guide: 2022
We’ve gathered together some of our favorite things here at Yinova that we think could make particularly good gifts! Whether you’re at a loss for what to get that relative you don’t know too well, are stressed about finding the perfect thing for someone special, or are just overwhelmed with everything going on: we have […]
notebooks and pen ready for note taking
Continuing Education at Yinova
At Yinova we’re proud of our commitment to continuing education. We regularly bring teachers into our center from around the country to train our team and keep our knowledge current and our practice vibrant. Our in-house training program is an example of our commitment to provide our patients with the best care possible and our […]
woman looking down with clasped hands
RMA & Yinova: An East Meets West Approach to PCOS & Fertility
Join Yinova founder, Dr. Jill Blakeway, and co-director of RMA of New York, Dr. Tanmoy Mukherjee, on September 23rd at 4 pm for a virtual discussion about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) from both an Eastern and Western perspective. During this discussion, they will share their knowledge, offer advice, and answer any questions you may have. You […]
Bring on the Healing: Our Wellness Guide for 2021
Setting a New Year’s resolution can give us focus, or it can add pressure and feel stressful. We’ve all been there. One minute we’re creating a self-improvement challenge, and the next, we’re overwhelmed by all the things we believe we ought to fix.  At the end of every year, there is a flurry of articles […]
Back to School with Some Healthy Habits
It’s that time of year again! Children are heading back to school. Parents often have mixed feelings around this. Most of our Yinova parents tell me they feel a bit wistful that summer is over whilst at the same time breathing a giant sigh of relief as everyone gets back into a routine. At this time […]
A person's hand grazes some tall wheat in a sun soaked field
Preparing for Menopause with Elektra Health and Yinova
Menopause can be a touchy subject; there seems to be so much to dread especially when it comes to symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, headaches, fatigue, and weight gain. While clearly this doesn’t sound like fun, there is some good news. Investing time and effort in your health in the time leading up […]
Breast Cancer: One of Our Yinova Patients Tells Their Story
Well, hello to you all! My name is Suzanne, and I am a patient at the Yinova Center and a nine-year survivor of breast cancer. I represent a demographic that is, unfortunately, becoming much more common – a young, pre-menopausal woman diagnosed with breast cancer. I was 32 at the time of my diagnosis… and […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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