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Displaying 181-190 results of 554

Brain Power: Using Chinese Medicine to Stay Focused
Do you suffer from brain fog or a cloudy mind? Are you forgetful and absent-minded? Do you sometimes feel detached or unfocused? If you do, you’re not alone. Here at Yinova, a lot of our patients tell us that they worry about their brainpower and ask if Chinese medicine can help improve focus and memory. In […]
Eye Foods: 10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Vision
Eyes are often called the window to the soul but they are also a window to your health. When I meet a patient for the first time I always look at their eyes for clues about their well being. We all know that our vision decreases with age, but did you know that you can […]
fresh strawberries at a farmers market
Making Jam with Emma
Hello All! It’s Emma here, Jill’s kid, and I have decided to take over the blog for today! I wanted to share with you all a wonderful jam recipe that I learned this past weekend. You see, it turns out that I come from a history of quite avid ‘jammers.’ My grandmother used to have such a […]
a close up of a woman holding a tan blanket around her shoulders
8 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Circulation
Do your hands and feet ever get noticeably colder than the rest of you? Maybe you wake up before your extremities do? Perhaps you get pins and needles if you sit for too long? These are all signs of mild circulatory problems that many of my patients ignore or dismiss as a minor inconvenience. However, in Chinese […]
Treating Eating Disorders with Chinese Medicine
There are troubling new statistics about eating disorders, that show the number of people dealing with this disease is on the rise. Certainly here at the Yinova Center we are seeing an increase in people of all ages who are seeking our help for a variety of problems related to eating and weight. The holistic […]
How to Combat Jet Lag, Gently & Naturally
This is the time of year when our Yinova Center patients ask us about jet lag. Some people travel more in the summer and as a result, our patients are looking for safe, natural ways of limiting jet lag or desynchronosis to give it it’s proper medical name. A long flight on a stuffy plane […]
Woman leaning against a wall
Training for Menopause: Five Ways You Can Prepare
Ah menopause! It can be a touchy subject for those of us who are heading towards this transition. There seems to be so much to dread… hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, headaches, fatigue, and weight gain. Clearly this doesn’t sound like fun but I have some good news. Here at the Yinova Center, we have […]
Treating Teenage Acne with Chinese Herbs
We treat a lot of teenagers at the Yinova Center and it makes me so happy that they feel comfortable coming in to see us and are able to use Chinese medicine as a way of taking care of themselves. As a parent I know, first hand, that teenagers can be sensitive and vulnerable and […]
Working on a laptop
How We Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome refers to a collection of symptoms such as wrist pain, numb and tingling fingers, and weak hands.  It happens when the median nerve gets compressed because of inflammation leading to constriction in the narrow passageway between the bones and ligaments on the underside of the wrist. In my experience, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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