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Displaying 331-340 results of 554

Woman in greenery holding a book
Study Reveals that Blood Group May Affect Fertility
Women* with a common blood type could be twice as likely to suffer from fertility problems, say scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and Yale University. Women* with blood group O are at a higher risk of running out of healthy eggs according to research presented this week at the American […]
bowl of mac and cheese
Dairy-Free Macaroni and “Cheese”
Readers of my book Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility may have noticed that I suggest that some people cut down on their consumption of dairy products. Many of us could benefit from eating less dairy and in my practice, I often suggest that patients who suffer from excessive mucus adjust their […]
a rustic kitchen, ready for roasting some seasonal autumnal veggies
Roasted Root Vegetables
We’re enjoying beautiful crisp autumn weather in upstate New York this weekend.  The sky is clear and blue, the sun is shining but there’s a slight chill in the air which makes me think of cooking nourishing food after a long walk with the dog. Our vegetable garden has lost most of its summer abundance […]
Preparing for Autumn
Whilst studying Chinese medicine I was introduced to the idea that our bodies are in tune with nature and that we can and should adapt our behavior in response to nature. At the time this was news to me but over the years I have appreciated the wisdom of taking my cues from the seasons. […]
beet leaves, packed with nutrients
Beet and Cucumber Salad with Yogurt Dressing
A few weeks ago I posted a recipe for Summer Borscht which prompted one of my Facebook friends to ask for more beet recipes. I’m happy to oblige because I love beets mostly for their sweet taste but also because they contain powerful nutrients that help to fight against anemia, heart disease, liver disorders, gallbladder […]
flour, ready for baking!
Seedy Soda Bread
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is a much-loved British TV chef and cookbook author who writes about gardening, farming, and cooking. Whittingstall’s wonderful book The River Cottage Cookbook covers everything from planting a vegetable garden to butchering a pig. It earned him the nickname Hugh Fearlessly-Eatsitall in the British press and I consider it a bible. This soda bread […]
A Recipe for Summer Borscht
I love our food co-op here in Chatham, NY and am especially fond of it on a Friday night when local farmers set up stalls outside to display their wares and Magdalena makes and sells delicious Mexican food. Last Friday Noah and I sat in the sun sipping homemade lemonade and eating Magdalene’s wonderful empanadas […]
vitamins in palm of a hand
Why You Should Take Extra B Vitamins if You Use the Birth Control Pill
Years ago doctors used to tell their patients to take extra B vitamins when using oral contraceptives. Like many pieces of medical wisdom, this advice has fallen by the wayside and people often don’t know that their birth control pills can be causing vitamin B depletion. At Yinova, we advise all our patients who are […]
Prenatal Massage Through the Different Trimesters
This week's blog is written by New York massage therapist Nicole Kruck. Nicole specializes in fertility massage as well as pre and postnatal massage. We often get asked questions about prenatal massage and decided to put some of these questions to Nicole. Below are her answers. You can book an appointment with Nicole online by clicking here.
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Schedule your appointment online or email us

We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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