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Displaying 501-510 results of 570

Basal Body Temperature
START BY DOWNLOADING THE YINOVA CENTER BBT CHART Completing a BBT (basal body temperature) chart gives you two key pieces of information for trying to conceive: if you are ovulating, and how long the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle is. Taking your temperature is not a good way to predict ovulation, however – by […]
Eucalyptus, an herb used in Chinese medicine
Chinese Herbs
Traditional Chinese Medicine Your practitioner may well prescribe you some herbs. Chinese herbs differ from western herbs in that they are almost always prescribed as a formula containing 5 – 15 herbs. Combining different types of herbs in different quantities helps us to craft a formula to address your specific symptom pattern. The Chinese material medical […]
DIET Chinese Medicine As part of your Chinese medical consultation your practitioner may suggest dietary adjustments. Many of the programs that form part of the Yinova Method also contain a nutritional plan.  
We have a few convenient ways for you to book your appointment with us. online: Our online scheduling system is quick, convenient and allows you to scan multiple days for the right time. Click Here for Online Scheduling phone: If you’d like to speak with us before booking your appointment, or you can’t find what you’re […]
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Here at Yinova we have an incredible team of experienced practitioners of Chinese Medicine that are led by Founder and Clinic Director Jill Blakeway and Noah Rubinstein, Yinova’s Co-Clinic Director. Our treatments involve not only acupuncture and herbs, but also moxibustion , cupping, gua sha, and dietary and lifestyle advice  — depending on what’s appropriate to your specialized Chinese diagnosis, […]
Postnatal Massage
Postnatal massage is a wonderful way to get your body back on track after giving birth. An abdominal massage during this time can help with pelvic floor health and digestive and bladder function. Postnatal massage sessions can also focus on reducing stress, improving circulation and reducing muscle tension and joint pain.  Whether you delivered via […]
Pregnant woman standing against a door
Tailored Prenatal Massage Therapy NYC
For the parent-to-be, prenatal massage offers many of the same benefits you would expect from a regular massage. There’s nothing like a deep tissue massage for loosening tight muscles, providing pain relief, and reducing stress! But, it doesn’t end there! For the pregnant woman, bodywork is also very helpful for boosting blood circulation for both […]
Making Babies: Footnotes
Below are the footnotes from Dr. Jill Blakeway’s book, Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility. With so much information out there about infertility, we’ve found that it has been helpful for our patients to have access to the references from the book conveniently listed here. Chapter 1 – Modern fertility medicine: The risks […]
Even though we’ve come a long way in the fight for equality, many LGBTQ+ individuals still face stigma and discrimination. Good healthcare begins with information and affirmation. The Yinova Center is committed to keeping informed about the needs of The LBGTQ+ community. Our practitioners are here to welcome every patient with warm hearts and open […]
Daryl Thuroff, DACM, LAc, LMT
Dr. Daryl Nicole Thuroff has spent almost two decades honing her skills as a health care facilitator and educator. She has a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, and is nationally certified as a Diplomat of Chinese Medicine by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Daryl’s […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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