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Displaying 41-50 results of 570

Happy Pride From Yinova
I’m not sure if there is a correlation between the arrival of the summer solstice and gay pride month.  I would like to think that the timing, in fact, was actually meant to fall roughly on the anniversary of the famous Stonewall riots which sparked the gay rights movement. Just one week after the summer […]
The Yinova Guide for Post-Marathon Recovery
With the NYC Marathon coming up many of you are getting ready to take on one of the biggest challenges of your lives. For months some of you have committed time and energy to this race, which – let’s face it has – fairly dubious origins. Here at the Yinova Center many of our friends and […]
Woman with hands hair
Hair Loss: How Chinese Medicine Can Help
“It started with a few extra strands on my hairbrush and before I knew it there were patches so thin you could see my scalp” Elaine*, in their mid-thirties, and understandably devastated when their hair began to fall out. Elaine had tried a variety of medicines before coming to see us at the Yinova Center […]
On Vaccinations: Why Get the Covid Vaccine? 
Since late January we have seen an extraordinary rollout of the Coronavirus vaccine and – along with responsible masking and social distancing – a significant reduction in infections, illnesses, and deaths. Shortly after the vaccines became available, Yinova team members took advantage of them and we wrote about our experiences both getting and helping to […]
Yinova's herbal line
COVID-19: How We Plan to Continue to Care For Our Community 
As this global pandemic has officially been declared a National Emergency, it’s safe to say that coronavirus (COVID-19) is on everyone’s mind. We have decided to close our centers to allow people to distance themselves socially in the hope that this will prevent the spread of COVID-19. Here at Yinova, our dedicated team of health […]
A mother and her baby lie in bed together on crisp white sheets in the early morning
Resources for New Parents
Congratulations on becoming a new parent! This post is meant to provide a reference point for new parents of all types – moms, dads, mamas, babas, maddies, zazas, ninis, rens, you name it!*  Most likely, we have been with you through your journey to conceive and carry to term. If you’re just joining the Yinova […]
close up of a womans face with her hands in a prayer pose in front of her mouth
Ask the Herbalist: Are There Fertility Herbs?
A quick google search for “Fertility Herb” yields a ton of recommendations aimed at anyone looking to improve their chances of conceiving naturally. But, because there isn’t just one cause of infertility, there shouldn’t really be blanket recommendations that apply to anyone and everyone. In fact, there could even be some negative effects of taking, […]
a person stepping on the scale
Why Controlling Your Weight Can Help You To Conceive
Are you trying to get pregnant and struggling to conceive? The answer may be easier than you think. Roughly 12 percent of all infertility cases can be traced to weight problems in women— split pretty much evenly between weighing too little and weighing too much, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). This […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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