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Displaying 481-490 results of 570

woman getting out of bed
Treating a UTI with Chinese Medicine
Although people often refer to a UTI as a bladder infection, any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, can become infected. The most common infection, however, is in the bladder and urethra and accounts for 8.3 million doctor visits each year. A UTI is more likely to affect someone with female anatomy than a […]
Using Chinese Medicine to Treat Menstrual Cramps
As acupuncturists who specialize in reproductive health, we meet plenty of patients who suffer from menstrual cramps. Dysmenorrhea is the technical term for the dull throbbing abdominal pain that some people experience during their periods. It can range from a mild annoyance to the kind of severe pain that can ruin several days each month. […]
Pink and white flowers
Morning Sickness? Try These Solutions
As many of you have pointed out to me morning sickness is a bit of a misnomer because in real life a wave of nausea or vomiting can strike pregnant women at any time of the day or night. Between 60% and 80% of pregnant women experience some nausea and vomiting although for most women […]
Woman stretching her arms post workout
Treating Muscle Soreness after Exercise
Several of our patients are running in today’s New York Marathon. We want you to know that we’re rooting for you all. It’s a huge achievement to train for and complete a marathon and we have been happy to support our patients in the run-up. I expect I’ll be treating some sore muscles in the […]
barley field
Whole Grain of the Month: Barley
I have enjoyed hearing from you all about last month’s whole grain of the month, quinoa. Thank you to everyone who shared recipes. I had a lot of fun trying them out, although I have to tell you that my husband is now a little sick of quinoa. It’s definitely time to move on to […]
Can Acupuncture Help to Turn a Breech Baby?
At The Yinova Center, we have a reputation for being able to help to turn breech babies. So much so that many midwives and OB’s send their patients to us when they find out that the baby is breech. A breech baby is one whose head is upwards so that she is likely to come […]
Pregnant person getting ready for some light exercise
Exercise During Pregnancy
“Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy?” I get this question a lot from new parents and the answer is that for most it is perfectly safe as long as they keep a few guidelines in mind. In fact not only is it safe but it’s a good idea to stay physically active throughout your […]
array of colorful vegetables
Foods for Fertility
As some of you know I was on the CBS Early Show this week talking about foods that enhance fertility. You can watch the piece here if you missed it. It was a blustery day out there on the plaza and the segment was quite brief so I wanted to use this blog to give […]
Pregnant on the beach
New Research: A High fiber Diet can Reduce Risk of Preeclampsia
A recent study in The American Journal of Hypertension caught my eye. It showed that if people increase their fiber intake in early pregnancy they can cut their chances of a serious pregnancy complication by two-thirds. Preeclampsia, which is characterized by high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine, affects about 8% of pregnant women* […]
Healthy Breakfasts for Kids
My recent post about 5 Healthy Ways to Start Your Day sparked some conversations in our waiting room this week. As we shared our experiences and passed on tips, some parents spoke about how they get their kids to start the day in a healthy way. My own daughter, Emma, is 17 now and my […]
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