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Displaying 441-450 results of 570

Acupuncture for Pediatrics
Chinese medicine is a safe, natural, and gentle way of addressing many common childhood ailments. From allergies to tummy aches, acupuncture has been used for hundreds of years in China to treat children. Pediatric acupuncture is gaining popularity in the West as parents seek more holistic ways of supporting their children’s health. At Yinova, we […]
Media Inquiries
Emma Thake is the voice of the Yinova community. She oversees our information-rich website, maintains our social media presence (instagram | facebook | twitter | pinterest), edits the Yinova blog, and produces our newsletters. She also manages our patient relations, talks to the press, organizes our speaker’s series, and handles events. She’s the person to talk […]
The Yinova Center periodically holds a range and events and workshops hosted by a broad spectrum of practitioners, thinkers, and sometimes including our own staff members! Past events have involved discussions on the thought-provoking film Toxic Baby with the director Penelope Jagessar Chaffer, a visiting psychic, charity events, trunk shows,informational lectures with Jill Blakeway and […]
Supernatural Squad Goals
MaryAnn DiMarco is a psychic-medium who has been able to see the other side since she was child. She’s the author of a new book called Believe, Ask, Act where she explains how to tap into your “celestial team” to get advice. Jill asks her how we can all develop our intuition and open up […]
Lyme Disease: How Often Are We Misdiagnosed?
Jill takes a trip down to the farm store at Little Ghent Farm to talk to Mimi Beaven about her new book on preserving and jam making. Mimi’s also know for making excellent sourdough bread and she talks to Jill about cooking and baking on a farm. We then join Jill in the kitchen with self-nourishment coach Jeanette Bronée who shows […]
Steve Sando, of Rancho Gordo, Shows us his Favorite Bean Recipe!
Steve Sando founded Rancho Gordo, a company that grows and distributes heirloom beans. Jill chats with Steve and asks him about his favorite beans and how to cook them. Then Jill joins Self-Nourishment Coach Jeannette Bronee in the kitchen where she makes two savory smoothies to drink on the go. The first is a watermelon […]
Should We Be Eating More Dirt?
On this week’s show episode of CBS’ Grow Cook Heal, Jill pays a visit to Dogwood Farm in upstate New York, where she talks to farmers (and partners) Hilary Corsun and Sarah Quebers, she gets in the kitchen with Sunita Kumar Nair to cook a vegetarian side dish that her grandma used to cook and finally, she talks to […]
The Prenatal Question: How to Know which Prenatal is Right for you?
I’m frequently asked which prenatal vitamins are right for people who are trying to conceive or are already pregnant. There are so many prenatals on the market: it’s no wonder that it can feel daunting trying to pick out which one is the best. Prenatal vitamin formulations can and do vary, but there are some […]
Understanding Menopause
“There is no more creative force in the world than the menopausal woman with zest.” Margaret Mead Change is a universal constant, from the cosmic to the microscopic. The natural rhythm of life is the ebb and flow of activity.  While we all experience change in form, function, and spirit from birth till death,  as […]
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