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Displaying 171-180 results of 570

Could Insomnia Be Affecting Your Fertility?
You may already know that sleep is important to your health, and surely you’ve experienced how vital it is to your state of mind. As it turns out, it is also valuable for fertility; lack of sleep can play a role in infertility. Consequently, sleep was a subject Dr. David and I talked about in […]
Happy Mom, Happy Baby
I’ve been a nanny placement specialist for 15 years and a lot of the families I work with are coming to me right after the birth of their child. Also, as a DONA trained doula and pre/post natal yoga instructor, I work closely with a lot of mother’s post-birth. Every mother, family and birth are […]
Yoga and Repetitive Stress Injuries
“Does anyone have any injuries?” I cannot think of one class I’ve been in where no one raises a hand, or as the teacher walks around there isn’t a whispered admission of pain. However, the most unfortunate part is that the pains we feel are often a result of our own yoga practice, and we don’t […]
Buzz In Your Ear
Since the 1980s, ear acupuncture (also known as auriculotherapy) has been widely used in addition to whole-body acupuncture treatments. Ear acupuncture is particularly great at treating many types of addictions – for everything from drugs to smoking, eating disorders & gambling. But the power of ear acupuncture goes far beyond just treating behavioral problems. What […]
Crystal For A Cause
Crystal for a Cause lets you say a prayer for people affected by the earthquake in Nepal. For the month of May we are offering $10 ear acupressure treatments using ear beads and all proceeds from the sales will go to relief funds for the disaster. The beads are made with Swarovski crystals and stay […]
Book Review: Your Best Pregnancy
We are happy to recommend a new book for pregnancy support! Our good friend Jill Hoefs and her colleague Denise Jagroo have written a very helpful book about all the aches and pains and other side effects during the stages of pregnancy.  Jill is a trusted physical therapist here in New York City and works […]
Are Prenatal Vitamins Really Necessary?
It’s a pretty wild concept, I know. How could it be that in our “pill-for-every-ill, nutrition-in-a-bottle” world, swallowing handfuls of daily supplements might just be…. Unnecessary? Here is, however, one way and one-way only. It’s called food.  Real food, to be exact, the kind that sprouts up from the fertile ground or lives on green […]
Ginseng: Getting to the Root
If there’s one Asian herb that everyone has heard of, it’s ginseng – Panax ginseng to give it it’s full name. It’s often thought of as a stimulant, although Ginseng is actually more sophisticated than that. In traditional Chinese herbology, we use it to strengthen digestion, improve lung function, reduce anxiety, and increase energy. In fact, when Ginseng came to the […]
What is Electro-Acupuncture?
While acupuncture has been in use for thousands of years, the use of electro-acupuncture is a fairly recent addition to the tools of an acupuncturist. Electro-acupuncture can produce wonderful results when it comes to certain conditions. Here at Yinova, we use electrostimulation, also referred to as e stim, to support many things: timely labors in late pregnancy, […]
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