
Results for "Men/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2"

Displaying 51-60 results of 599

Modern laptop with blank screen placed on desk amidst various potted plants and books near concrete wall at home
Virtual Wellness & Herbal Medicine Consultations
We want you to know that we are here for you and that we’d love to be a resource for you in as many ways as we possibly can. That’s why we have launched Virtual Wellness & Herbal Medicine Consultations – so that you can connect with your practitioner no matter where you are! During […]
Summer Books: Yinova’s Reading List
It’s a pretty safe assumption that – at any given time –  everyone at Yinova is reading something about health.  Of course, we all have our other go-to categories and indulgences – from poetry to history to politics and science fiction. Being connected to an evolving sensibility of healing, though, resonates with all of us – […]
Yinova's Herbal Pharmacy
Yinova’s Herbal Pharmacy is Open
We want to help our community stay as healthy as possible, especially during these difficult times. Our herbal pharmacy is still open and dispensing customized herbal formulas as well as supplements. If you are a current Yinova patient in need of an herbal refill, please contact your practitioner directly and they will send you your […]
Happy Pride From Yinova
I’m not sure if there is a correlation between the arrival of the summer solstice and gay pride month.  I would like to think that the timing, in fact, was actually meant to fall roughly on the anniversary of the famous Stonewall riots which sparked the gay rights movement. Just one week after the summer […]
The Yinova Guide for Post-Marathon Recovery
With the NYC Marathon coming up many of you are getting ready to take on one of the biggest challenges of your lives. For months some of you have committed time and energy to this race, which – let’s face it has – fairly dubious origins. Here at the Yinova Center many of our friends and […]
Woman with hands hair
Hair Loss: How Chinese Medicine Can Help
“It started with a few extra strands on my hairbrush and before I knew it there were patches so thin you could see my scalp” Elaine*, in their mid-thirties, and understandably devastated when their hair began to fall out. Elaine had tried a variety of medicines before coming to see us at the Yinova Center […]
CoQ10 and Fertility: Understanding the Connection
“Should I be taking CoQ10 if I’m trying to get pregnant?”  In most cases, the answer is yes.  CoQ10 is a coenzyme found in every cell of the human body that is essential to energy production and cellular function. For people trying to conceive, it can help eggs live up to their potential by supporting […]
India's rolling green hills
A Look Into the World of Ayurveda with Divya Alter
Chinese medicine and Ayurveda are two sciences that put emphasis on prevention and intuition. We had the honor of chatting with Divya Alter, co-founder of Divya’s Kitchen and Bhagavat Life in New York City to learn more about Ayurveda and the role it plays in her life.   How did your journey into nutrition and Ayurveda […]
A Deeper Look at Grief from a Chinese Medicine Perspective
I’m often asked by my patients how I got into this type of Medicine. When I tell them I was originally needle phobic and tried it as a last resort to help with grief, the majority of them say – “I had no idea acupuncture could work for that.”  To which I usually reply, “neither […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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