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Displaying 41-50 results of 599

Acupuncture to Support IVF
Here at the Yinova Center, since 1999, we have used traditional Chinese medicine to support patients during fertility treatments. As one of New York’s largest and most well-known acupuncture practices we currently treat thousands of people a year, using acupuncture to support them as they go through IVF. We also take care of couples in […]
How Chinese Medicine Can Help You Prepare for the COVID-19 Vaccine
The COVID Vaccine, as it’s colloquially called, has sparked discussions around the world. Among the many questions, some of the more common ones are, “ is the vaccine safe?” and “I’ve heard about side effects, what do they mean and how can I protect myself?” Safety has always been incredibly important to us; the pandemic […]
Blossoms on a city background
Our Practitioner’s Favorite Routines
In this moment of transition, it can feel like I’m floating between two worlds: New York City before COVID19, and New York City after. I am so privileged to have my health, my work, and a home I feel safe in, but I have been struggling to ground myself and stay present. I’ve been thinking […]
box of matches ready to light some sage
The Beginner’s Guide to Meditation
The true beginning of my meditation practice came at a transformative period in my life. I was 19, coming out of my first year of college, entering the start of my twenties, teetering the line of what I understood to be childhood and adulthood. I had also, suddenly, shockingly, lost my best friend of 14 […]
Hand holding new tree blossom
At Home Support for Morning Sickness
Pregnancy nausea and vomiting, more commonly known as morning sickness, can strike at any time of day. Some women experience fairly mild nausea that may be exacerbated by fatigue or an empty stomach, while other women experience more severe symptoms. Morning sickness is most common in the first trimester, although some women may experience nausea […]
Yinova Center Reception
When Does the Healing Process Begin?
If I were to ask you when you thought the healing process began, how would you respond? It’s difficult to pinpoint, isn’t it? Does it begin when you walk in? Perhaps it starts when you’re laying on the table? Or maybe it kicks in as soon as you leave your treatment?  I think the reason […]
Herbal Consultations: Everything You Need to Know
Here at Yinova, we are dedicated to putting integrative care within your reach and giving you the power to take your health in hand. We do this by using any combination of the tools that Chinese medicine offers us as practitioners. From Acupuncture to gua sha, chinese herbal formulas to nutritional advice, cupping to dietary […]
man with mist around his mist
Black Lives Matter
These undeniably painful times are a call to all of us to search our hearts and act in a way that creates meaningful change so that collectively we can build a more just and equitable world. Here at Yinova, we are committed to being a voice against systemic racism and police brutality as well as […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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