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Displaying 421-430 results of 599

Fertility Support
Women’s Fertility You’ll find plenty of articles about fertility over on our Yinova Blog. At Yinova Center of NYC, we are committed to the idea that healthy bodies are more likely to have healthy babies. Just as a gardener enriches the soil before planting a seed, we believe in investing in your health and your body before […]
Yinova Accessibility Statement Here at Yinova, we strive to provide a positive customer experience to our patients and the greater Yinova community, and we aim to promote accessibility and inclusion. Our goal is to permit our customers to successfully gather information and transact business through our website. Whether you are using assistive technologies like a […]
Women’s Fertility
“Our experience at the Yinova center was amazing from the first moment we walked into the center. As Jill Blakeway’s patient I have never felt more cared for in any other professional establishment. Jill was present and listened to my concerns from the first minute and was always there for us in any stage of […]
We take pride in the level of skill, experience, & care that our practitioners apply to each & every patient. Initial Consultation Your first experience at Yinova starts with an initial consultation where your practitioner will go over your health history in depth, followed by an acupuncture treatment. Your initial consultation can be done in-clinic […]
Enhanced Safety Guidelines for COVID-19 The Yinova Center is committed to keeping our community and team as safe as possible during these unprecedented times, and have updated our health, safety, and cleaning policies detailed below. Before scheduling your in-clinic acupuncture treatment or massage, please make sure you are up to date on travel advisories. HEIGHTENED […]
Our Team
At the Yinova Center we believe that our most valuable resource is our talented and experienced team of healthcare practitioners. A large and well-trained group of Chinese medicine practitioners is at the heart of our team. We are all are board certified in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine and between us we cover a range of specialties […]
Fertility Nutrition
Women’s Fertility At The Yinova Center we encourage you to eat a diet that includes fresh, seasonal foods that are organic if possible. Make sure that you get enough protein and eat a broad range of vegetables especially leafy greens, orange vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables. Make sure that you are adequately hydrated and don’t forget to eat some […]
Connect with us We love what we do and we’re happy to talk to you about it! If you’d like to speak with a member of our team, you can email us or give us a call: Flatiron  |  |  212.533.2255 East Side  |  |  212.518.3726 Brooklyn Heights  |  |  718.928.6533 You […]
Acupuncture For Fertility NYC
Both acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been used for centuries to to improve fertility for both men and women. In fact, more and more scientific studies are being conducted, proving its effectiveness both on it’s own and in conjunction with Western medicine. Practitioners at The Yinova Center are skilled at determining each individual patient’s needs and challenges […]
10 Tips for Reviving a Flagging Libido
Birds do it… bees do it…. sometimes my patients feel as if the only person who isn’t doing it is them. Time and time again patients confide in me that they rarely feel in the mood for sex. They miss the connection that sex gives them and feel guilty that they have let this part […]
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Schedule your appointment online or email us

We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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