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Displaying 411-420 results of 599

Wholegrain Blueberry Pancakes
When we were writing our book Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility, we found ourselves repeatedly stressing the importance of eating whole grains and a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. Here in America and in the UK, where I come from, we mostly eat refined grains because they are more […]
Uterine Fibroids – How you can help yourself
A 35 year old patient came to see me because of heavy periods which resulted in a  diagnoses of anemia. A 45 year old patient whose abdomen protruded so much that their friends had mistakenly thought they were pregnant. A 39 year old patient who was having difficulty conceiving.. What all these patients had in […]
Small sprout in ground
How Acupuncture Enhances Fertility: A Look at Current Research
“Can acupuncture really help make me more fertile and, if so, how does it work?” This is a question patients ask me all the time and I understand why. It seems so improbable that tiny hair-like needles could have such a profound effect. At The Yinova Center, most of our patients find out about us […]
Pregnant person standing above a crib, waiting for baby
10 Things You Should Avoid During Pregnancy
Here are the top ten things we feel you should avoid throughout your pregnancy. If you struggle with any items on this list, like smoking, for example, acupuncture and Chinese medicine can play a supportive role. Smoking Most people know that it’s important to give up smoking when you are pregnant. If you don’t you […]
A green snake, coiled around a tree branch
Welcome to the Year of the Yin Water Snake!
It’s the Lunar New Year, and in Chinese medicine, we tip our hats to the traditions of New Years’ past. Though we may not put on party hats, drink champagne or find a way to fit “4711” onto a pair of glitter-smattered glasses, there is still cause to celebrate as this new year brings transition […]
Giving Back – The Thailand Water Project
Hello Everyone! It’s Emma, Jill’s daughter here. I’ve hijacked my Mum’s blog to thank all of you who supported my trip to Thailand to take part in the Water Project. Without your generous donations, none of it would have been possible. So…Thank you. As some of you know I was in Thailand as part of an […]
Giving Back – The Cambodian Children’s Fund
Many of you have asked about the little girl whose pictures and letters decorate our waiting room. Her name is Kunthea and we are proud to sponsor her through the Cambodian Children’s Fund.  She is nine years old and before being accepted at CCF she lived with her mom and grandparents in a small shack […]
Woman smiling
Bodywork for Reproductive Health NYC
Our Reproductive Health Bodywork Program brings together Yinova founder Jill Blakeway‘s methods for enhancing fertility from both her clinical experience and her book, Making Babies, as well as the expertise that the Yinova bodywork team has behind them. Developed by Jill, massage therapist & reproductive justice worker Somaliah Williams, & the head of Yinova’s bodywork department, […]
Jill Blakeway Books
 ENERGY MEDICINE: THE SCIENCE AND MYSTERY OF HEALING (Harper Collins) MAKING BABIES: A PROVEN 3-MONTH PROGRAM FOR MAXIMUM FERTILITY (Little Brown) SEX AGAIN: RECHARGING YOUR LIBIDO (Workman Press) Product Details Hardcover: 272 pages Publisher: Harper Collins Language: English ISBN-10: 9780062691613 Pre-order here ENERGY MEDICINE: THE SCIENCE AND MYSTERY OF HEALING (Harper Collins) The first comprehensive look at […]
Fertility Types
Women’s Fertility In her book Making Babies, Jill identified five fertility types. These work for both men and women and were based on the Yinova Method developed here in our center. Below is some advice for each type (there’s a lot more detail in the book). You can take a quiz to find out your […]
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