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Displaying 371-380 results of 599

Someone standing outside in a snowstorm with a moss green winter coat on
5 Tips on Fighting the End-of-Winter Blahs
It’s been a long, long winter. Spring may have technically sprung, but most of us aren’t feeling very excited about it with the continued cold and dreary weather. In my treatment rooms at the Yinova Center, there is a resounding answer of “Blah” from my patients when I ask how they are feeling. The typical […]
Freshly made, decadent, chocolate truffles, ready for a night of romance and love
Is Your Sex Life Craving Chocolate?
Eating chocolate leads to higher levels of sexual satisfaction and an increase in libido. That was the finding of urologists from San Raffaele hospital, in Milan, Italy in a study that was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. The researchers questioned 163 women about their chocolate habits, as well as how satisfied they were […]
Focus on Cancer: Xerostomia, Mouth Sores, and Dry Mouth
Radiation to the chest, neck, and head can affect the mouth and throat, creating dryness, changes in taste, difficult or painful swallowing, and changes in speech.  Xerostomia (dryness of the mouth) occurs in over 80% of cancer patients receiving radiation to these areas within six weeks of first treatment.  Some chemotherapy agents can also cause […]
Focus on Cancer: Pain and Peripheral Neuropathy
Using acupuncture to reduce pain has been documented in many scientific studies over the years.  It is also one of the best ways to manage the pain associated with peripheral neuropathy induced by chemotherapy.  Damage to the peripheral nerves in the fingers and toes, but also radiating up into the arms and legs can occur […]
Focus on Cancer: Nausea During Treatment
Nausea and loss of appetite can be common side effects of some cancer treatments and while medications to prevent or treat nausea are often combined with chemotherapy drugs, many patients still experience symptoms.  For the “foodies” and our patients who experience much pleasure from eating, this can be an especially difficult side effect as they […]
holiday treats
My Top 5 Instant Stress-Busters for the Holiday Season (and Beyond!)
This is a fun time of year, but it’s stressful for most people. And here at the Yinova Center, I’ve recently been treating a lot of insomnia and neck and shoulder tension. According to the CDC, 85% of diseases have an emotional component, and a 20-year study, conducted by researchers at the University of London, […]
How to Beat Those Winter Woes
Whether you’re feeling under the weather or the grey days are making you gloomy, we have some tips to winter-proof your body, mellow your mood and soothe aches and sniffles. Dry Skin Moving from the freezing cold outside into overheated conditions inside can play havoc with your skin leaving it dry and flaky. Using a […]
mom and new born baby enjoy the sand and beach
A Look at Pelvic Floor Therapy
Finally, your bundle of joy has arrived! Those first several weeks just seem to fly by, don’t they? Adjusting to feeding schedules and sleeping routines (or lack thereof) can be overwhelming at best.  Sadly, many people also live with pain, especially during intercourse, and even urine leakage (incontinence). While medication, and in some situations even […]
Two people laying together outside, taking in the sunshine and enjoying the day
Treating Depression: The Chinese Medicine Alternative to SSRI’s
Depression and its counterpart anxiety are the most common mood disorders, affecting approximately one in five people at some point in their lives. Over the years, treatments for depression and anxiety have evolved into what we know today. SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are a relatively new group of antidepressants that specifically inhibit the reuptake […]
herbs and spices on white wood table
5 Warming Herbs to Spice up Your Life
Chinese herbs have a reputation for being exotic, and it’s true that some of the ingredients in our medicinal herbal formulas are quite rare and specialized. However, throughout China and India, it’s also traditional to use common cooking spices for health and healing. As the weather gets cooler, it’s helpful to add some warming spices […]
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