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Displaying 361-370 results of 599

some bright orange turmeric and a few bay leaves rest peacefully on a beige tablecloth
What does A Naturopathic Doctor Actually Do?
For some, a Naturopathic Doctor is exactly what they have been looking for but, maybe didn’t know it. Ask yourself – when was the last time you felt completely normal? When was the last time you slept easily and deeply? Woke refreshed? When was the last time you had a good appetite for healthy food […]
How Chinese Medicine Treats Amenorrhea
By definition, missing three periods in a row likely means that you have amenorrhea, a condition we commonly see at Yinova.  Patients often come to our center so seek help in reestablishing their menstrual cycle. Oftentimes, these patients have not been too concerned about missing their period until they decide to try to conceive. However, amenorrhea […]
green Lucious herbs laid out neatly on a counter top
Have You Used Acupuncture or Herbs for Fertility? We Need Your Help!
Update: This research was completed in 2016. You can read the study here.  We are thrilled to be taking part in a study that will provide more data about the benefits of combining acupuncture and other complementary therapies with Western fertility treatments. Here at the Yinova Center, we have enjoyed building close relationships with doctors and many […]
A pink and white amaryllis
Grow an Amaryllis in Time for the Holidays
Tricking a bulb to flower indoors, out of season, is called “forcing” but really it’s more like coaxing and is remarkably easy to do. This makes growing an amaryllis a very satisfying winter project. You can solve some of your gift-giving problems by planting the bulbs now in decorative pots. Come the holidays you’ll have […]
Someone pregnant is standing in the distance, radiant, with a silk shall flowing in the wind behind them
Ready to Meet your Baby? These Yoga Poses Can Help You Prepare
Whether you’ve had a difficult pregnancy or have glided through the last nine months, when the due date comes one thing is for sure: you’re ready to see baby. Here are some recommendations for prenatal yoga sequences to be done right at the end of your pregnancy. In this way, they can help you prepare […]
DIY All-Natural Hair Mask
I’ve noticed that my hair is getting a little damaged from all the sun and heat so I wanted to see if there was a way to rejuvenate my hair naturally and this is what I found! Here is a recipe for an all-natural and easy to make a hair mask. That’s right; hair mask. […]
7 Ways to Prep Yourself and Your Family for Back-to-School
Summer is winding down and fall is just around the corner. For so many people the beginning of the year feels like if falls around this time and that’s because school is almost back in session.  It’s a transitory season for many, whether you’re getting your kid ready for their first day being a third […]
A person is laying down, they have a lace black bra on, and their hands gently are resting on their chest
How to Perform a Monthly Breast Self-Exam
Survival rates for breast cancer patients have never been better, and early detection is one of the reasons for this. We encourage all our female patients to follow their doctor’s advice when it comes to breast cancer screening and to practice “breast awareness” by getting to know their breasts and finding out what’s “normal” for […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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