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Displaying 331-340 results of 599

“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Nurturing a Healthy Pregnancy
Even when you’ve meticulously planned your journey to pregnancy, arriving at your destination can catch you by surprise. Now that you’re expecting, what’s next? Nurturing a Healthy Pregnancy Birth is often likened to a marathon. It’s a big event with big demands on the body. A little training and prep work goes a long way. […]
a container full of tangerines
Recipe for Tangerine Bitters
Thanks to digestive bitters, I’m feeling a bit better after an indulgence of Halloween treats (and prepared for the food-heavy holidays to come!) I usually don’t feel the bloating and indigestion that can accompany eating gluten, dairy, and sugar but even my digestive tract has its limits. I credit my healthy digestion to years of […]
a cilantro plant on a white table
Warm Rye Berry and Bean Salad
Tender white beans, tart dried cherries, and whole grains offer a contrast of textures and flavors in this recipe. Cherries warm the body and strengthen qi, while rye berries reduce edema and excess fluids. Serves 4 For the salad 1 cup rye berries, rinsed and drained 3 cups water 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 cup dried […]
Eat Your Way to Happiness!
Washing down a bacon cheeseburger with a chocolate milkshake can be fun sometimes, don’t get us wrong. But what happens when you feed your body unhealthy things all the time? It responds, and we’re not just talking about a little weight gain here or there (some people are immune to that with their hollow thighs […]
A home office with a monitor, plant, and glasses
How to Keep your Work Stations Ergonomic
Does this sound familiar: Someone tells you that “sitting is the worst thing for your body!” You then smile and nod as you make a conscious effort to not sit as much until eventually, you slip back into the same routine.
How To Use An Ovulation Predictor Kit
Here at the Yinova Center we’re experts when it comes to fertility counseling. We teach our patients how to know when they’re ovulating and the best times to have sex if they’re trying to conceive.
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Schedule your appointment online or email us

We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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