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Displaying 321-330 results of 599

Pregnant woman holding her belly
Breech Presentation From a Chinese Medicine Perspective
In 95% of term pregnancies, the baby will be in the optimal fetal position (head down) in relation to the maternal, pelvic structure which results in a normal vaginal delivery. There are, however, about 3-4% of women who will present with a baby in breech position. A baby in breech position or transverse position is […]
Suggestive blood orange
Cervical Health 101: Everything You Need to Know About Your Cervix
Chances are, unless you’re pregnant or trying to conceive, you might not have spent much time thinking about your cervix (other than at your annual gynecologist appointment where you may have a pap smear done to assess for cancerous or precancerous changes of the cervical cells). This part of our anatomy is hardworking, but often […]
Roll of toilet paper
Cramping Your Style: When Your Menstrual Cycle Disturbs Your Dumps
Have you ever noticed your bowel movements changing throughout the month? Perhaps when you’re about to menstruate, you notice some significant shifts? It turns out that there’s often a connection between your cycle and your poops. What causes these shifts? As an acupuncturist and a nurse, I find it interesting to consider conditions from both […]
woman holding sunflowers
The Modern World: Finding Serenity Amidst the Chaos
Too often in life, we are asked to be conscious of the world we live in yet remain centered and grounded in our day-to-day activities — a seemingly formidable balancing act. The stress of day-to-day living can feel insurmountable at times, and the current political turbulence only seems to exacerbate said chaos. These are truly […]
Late Summer in Central Park
Late Summer: The Fifth Season
In traditional Chinese medicine, our bodies and ourselves reflect the natural world we live in and being in harmony with the seasons increases health and well-being. Late Summer is considered a separate season in traditional Chinese medicine. In the middle of the Chinese calendar, Late Summer is a transition time when we return to the […]
The Meditative Effects of Acupuncture
The mindfulness trend continues to grow with numerous meditation groups across New York City and countless apps ready for download. This pursuit for peace is much needed in a fast-paced city of busy, high-functioning New Yorkers. For many of my patients who experience stress and anxiety, one of the main questions I ask is: “Do […]
a close up of a neon sign
Energy Medicine 101: Defining Key Terms
I have some exciting news to share: my new book “Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing” comes out April 2nd! I’ve never worked harder on a book—it was quite a journey and one that quite literally took me around the world. I’m thrilled that it’s finally time to start sharing it with you! […]
Could Acupuncture Lower Your Chances of Needing a C-Section?
We are very grateful for C-sections. Whether the procedure is planned or used in an emergency, it’s a medical feat that saves lives and has changed the landscape of birth. That being said, in many cases, it’s a back-up procedure that an obstetrical team works to avoid. Breech presentation is a common cause of needing […]
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