
Results for "Men/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2"

Displaying 311-320 results of 599

A Guide from CCRM on Assisted Reproductive Technologies for the LGBTQ+ Community
CCRM is made up of a team of world-class fertility specialists who invented and optimized techniques and protocols that are widely practiced in the industry today, including comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) and in vitro culture of human embryos to the blastocyst stage. We recently caught up with reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. Talebian, who offered us some insight […]
Black History Month: People in Medicine and Science Who Inspire Us
Black History Month is an annual celebration of the achievements of Black Americans in U.S. History. We have gathered together a few highlights on people, primarily women, in medicine and science, who have inspired and impacted us. The Black Panther Party The Black Panther Party helped introduce acupuncture to the U.S. mainstream through their free […]
black woman with a gray scarf blowing in the wind standing against white brick wall
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Everything You Need to Know
Over the last decade, there has been a flurry of attention given to perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) otherwise referred to as postpartum depression. Famous women like Gwyneth Paltrow, Chrissy Teigen, Adele, and many more inspiring people have come forward with their personal PMAD struggles. National medical associations like the AAP (American Association of […]
little girl blowing on a dandelion
Which of the 5 Elements Does Your Child Resonate With the Most?
One of the foundations of Chinese medicine is a theory called the 5 Elements, which include Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each of these elements has a predictable set of characteristics and relationships with the other 4 elements. What is amazing is that in Chinese medicine, each of these also has corresponding physical and […]
Pregnant woman laying on the couch
Reproductive Justice: Advice on How to Advocate For Care
At Yinova, we have always been dedicated to providing integrative care and to giving our patients the tools they need to take their health in their hands. Now, more than ever, it is important to uphold that statement. While we are a general practice, our main area of expertise and focus is in fertility as […]
Chief clinic director at Yinova and paramedic, Dr. Noah Rubinstein
Extra Support for Frontline Workers
My connection to emergency medicine goes back a long time. Formally an FDNY paramedic in Harlem back in the ’90s, I recently renewed my paramedic license as a way to stay connected to emergency medicine and to my family in the field.  Frontline workers have been on my mind a lot throughout this pandemic as […]
Wild dandelions
Dandelions: Recipes from a Foraging Herbalist
As someone who has lived in a major city for over a decade, I have lost touch with the seasonal blooms of flowers. COVID-19 brought me back to the suburbs for quarantine and slowed down my typical pace of life. I decided to take this opportunity to become the foraging herbalist I imagined I would […]
Jarred pantry items and spices
Moroccan Tagine Inspired Pantry Meal
When weather, sickness, or other circumstances keep us from getting out to the grocery store, it’s best to shop our own pantries for a healthy and delicious meal. Food is so important for our physical and mental health in traditional Chinese medical (TCM) theory, and so it is important to prioritize healthy eating in difficult […]
Unmade bed sheets
Sex After Baby: A Panel Discussion
Join us on February 12th at 6:30 pm at Yinova Brooklyn Heights for a panel discussion about having sex, reconnecting with yourself & reconnecting with your partner – postpartum. This panel of experts will guide you through a discussion covering the physical, hormonal, and emotional factors that could be playing a role in preventing you […]
Lucky lanterns for lunar new year
Healthy Almond Cookies for Lunar New Year
This year, Lunar New Year falls on January 25th and is the Year of the Rat! We’ll share more later this week about what the Year of the Rat has in store for us, but today I thought I’d celebrate by baking Chinese Almond Cookies. They’re said to look like coins and symbolize prosperity and so […]
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