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Displaying 11-20 results of 599

Yinova herbal pharmacy
What Should I Look For in an Acupuncturist?
One of the most common questions that Dr. Jill Blakeway gets asked in interviews about the general benefits of acupuncture is “How can someone find a good acupuncturist near them?” Since moving part of our practice online, we are now able to virtually treat patients all over the world! While there are numerous benefits from virtual sessions, in-person treatments are […]
5 Ways to Reduce your Risk of Breast Cancer
Most people who develop breast cancer have no genetic risk at all (that we know of). Some have less serious genetic issues that slightly increase their risk of breast cancer, a risk that can be managed and offset by adopting some lifestyle changes. And only very few (one in 400-800) carry the BRAC1 gene mutation […]
Male Factor Infertility: How Chinese Medicine Can Help
When patients come to The Yinova Center for fertility treatment we always ask if they or their partner, if they have one, has had a semen analysis. Women* who are not getting pregnant often assume that the problem lies with them and many are surprised to find out that for 40% of infertile couples the […]
Someone in a Lucious green park, holding a sign that says,
Thanksgiving Thoughts: In Appreciation of Appreciation
Many years ago, when my daughter Emma was small, we kept a gratitude journal, the two of us, for a whole year. Every night we’d each write down something we were grateful for. I’d like to pretend this was my idea, but it wasn’t. Emma, who was six at the time, was inspired by something […]
Tips for Men on Improving Sperm Quality
Guys, if you’re reading this article there is a good chance you are doing so on a laptop. And that said laptop is sitting on your lap. Before we begin, take this off your lap and place it on a table, or a pillow, or lap desk. This is one of the many things men […]
Bring on the Healing: Our Wellness Guide for 2021
Setting a New Year’s resolution can give us focus, or it can add pressure and feel stressful. We’ve all been there. One minute we’re creating a self-improvement challenge, and the next, we’re overwhelmed by all the things we believe we ought to fix.  At the end of every year, there is a flurry of articles […]
A person's hand grazes some tall wheat in a sun soaked field
Preparing for Menopause with Elektra Health and Yinova
Menopause can be a touchy subject; there seems to be so much to dread especially when it comes to symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, headaches, fatigue, and weight gain. While clearly this doesn’t sound like fun, there is some good news. Investing time and effort in your health in the time leading up […]
Yinova Took Part in The Color Run!
Early last Saturday morning, a group of Yinova staff and friends headed out to the Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn for The Color Run! Known as the “happiest 5k on the planet”, the Color Run was started in 2011 to promote health and happiness by bringing people together for a fun run and then covering them […]
A stick of moxa, a traditional chinese dried herb, ignited with a soft smoke wafting over it
6 Surprising Ways You Can Use Moxa
Here at Yinova, we love moxa! Moxa, or Ai Ye, is an herb used to warm and stimulate acupuncture points through a process called moxibustion. It improves circulation to relieve pain, boosts energy, and in some cases can be used to warm the uterus to treat some types of infertility. It’s is a great addition […]
Tiny buddha statue on a large green leaf
Penelope Jagessar Chaffer Speaking at Yinova
Award winning filmmaker and environmental health advocate Penelope Jagessar Chaffer gave a talk at The Yinova Center on how to be a non-toxic New Yorker and to our surprise, our beloved red fruits did not escape her gaze. We already knew that getting our tomatoes delivered from Florida in December creates a sizable carbon footprint. […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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