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Displaying 181-190 results of 599

Someone peacefully walking on a sandy beach, barefoot.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse: More Common Than We Think
Do you feel pressure or heaviness between your legs? Have you ever had the strange sensation that something is falling out of your vagina? Does your vagina look or feel different since having a baby? Have you changed the way you urinate or have bowel movements to complete one? If you have ever asked yourself […]
A close up of some hands, gently resting on a book, as the person sitting there is reading
Settling Your Mind With Acupressure
Patients often ask us for ideas on what they can do for themselves between acupuncture visits. Among the suggestions we make, self-treatment acupressure is a favorite. Acupressure is a form of healing that has been used for thousands of years around the world. While it is part of many traditional medicines, it is most commonly […]
A minimalist kitchen with an orange dutch oven and some plants
What Does Your Acupuncturist Eat? A Look Inside Laura’s Refrigerator
As a Baby Boomer, raised in the ’50s and ’60s, Laura Scheurer witnessed a change in how families congregated for meals and the food they ate. “I grew up with TV dinners, Ring Dings, Twinkies, Captain Crunch, Fruit Loops, bologna, white bread, coke, and chips,” Laura recounts. In contrast with the societal shift to processed foods, Laura’s […]
Feeling Fatigued? Use Food to Build More Blood!
Feeling fatigued? Instead of drinking more coffee, try building more blood! During the menstruation cycle, the amount of blood loss can lead people to become, what Chinese medicine would refer to as, “blood deficient.” There are other causes of blood deficiency as well, like low amounts of iron or B12-containing foods in one’s diet, among other […]
An array of colorful, hot peppers, filled with healing powers and capabilities
Some Like it Hot: The Healing Power of Peppers
When I go to a restaurant and look over a menu, I can be rather indecisive. One question that I never linger on though is “would you like that mild, medium, or hot?” Hot peppers are a favorite seasoning in our home, and we grow them from seed in our garden. Whether it is the […]
creamy soup
Butternut Squash and Kale Soup
This is a wonderful soup for people who are tired or convalescing because in Chinese medicine winter squash is a qi tonic. Butternut squash is mostly eaten in the autumn when it is said to have absorbed the sun’s energy over the summer and packs a warming nutritional punch as the days get colder. However, […]
bowl full of sprouts
How to Grow Your Own Sprouts
Sprouts not only taste good, but they’re also full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, and enzymes. Their nutritional benefits were discovered by the Chinese thousands of years ago. In Chinese medicine, a seed is considered to be yin and its offshoot is considered to be yang, so the ancient Chinese recognized that as seed sprouts, […]
black and white patterned bowls
Italian Wedding Soup (Lightened Up!)
I love Italian Wedding Soup; this healthy version uses ground turkey instead of beef and is packed with veggies for their nutritional value. I also tossed in some pearl barley as a healthier alternative to the pasta used in most Italian Wedding Soup recipes. So yummy! Italian Wedding Soup Serves 6 Ingredients 1/2 pound uncooked […]
skillet of pie
Easy Whole Grain & Oat Skillet Bread
This morning with no bread in the house and a chill in the air, I remembered my grandmother making skillet bread and decided to improvise a healthier version. It took 5 minutes to mix and 5 minutes to cook so is an easy and quick addition to any breakfast table. The whole grains and oats […]
bowl of mac and cheese
Dairy-Free Macaroni and “Cheese”
Readers of my book Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility may have noticed that I suggest that some people cut down on their consumption of dairy products. Many of us could benefit from eating less dairy and in my practice, I often suggest that patients who suffer from excessive mucus adjust their […]
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