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Displaying 171-180 results of 599

Men’s Health
Noah at the Yinova Center provided immediate relief from the pain of a slipped disc–but my acupuncture treatments have yielded tremendous benefits beyond that as well. The weekly acupuncture sessions have helped me follow through on those changes necessary for better health and [I] have lost 40 pounds in less than 5 months. I’m not […]
What Exactly is the Fertile Fizz?
This is Jill’s 30th episode of Jill’s CBS radio show, Grow Cook Heal! For this show Jill decided to go back to her roots and dedicate the entire episode to the subject of fertility. 
Buzz In Your Ear
Since the 1980s, ear acupuncture (also known as auriculotherapy) has been widely used in addition to whole-body acupuncture treatments. Ear acupuncture is particularly great at treating many types of addictions – for everything from drugs to smoking, eating disorders & gambling. But the power of ear acupuncture goes far beyond just treating behavioral problems. What […]
Beyond Chocolate and Oysters
Valentine’s Day brings with it a lot of pressure. We’re expected to have a perfect night out with champagne, flowers, and candlelight. Unfortunately, most of the time, the reality is that it is a crowded night to be out, with a prix fixe meal, you and your date are squeezed into a busy restaurant where […]
Nutrient-Dense Fats to Support Fertility
Do you know what the most essential nutritional element is in the fertility diet? Eating plenty of nutrient-dense fat! Many of my clients have looked skeptical when I say this. I always explain that good fat doesn’t make you fat because your body understands how to both break it down but also how to process […]
Zucchini “Pasta” with Avocado Pesto, Arugula and Shrimp
We first tasted zucchini pasta at a raw food restaurant a few years ago and were blown away by how similar it is to regular noodles only with some very notable health benefits. This article compares regular pasta to the veggie version and reveals that a normal bowl of pasta has 581 calories and 121g of carbs […]
a woman in athletic wear stretching on green grass
On Stretching
As a dancer, I can feel my body getting stiffer and less flexible within days of going without stretching. For most individuals it isn’t necessary to be able to touch your nose to your knees with your legs stretched out, so why is stretching so important? While studying exercise physiology, I have begun to notice […]
Organic thyme sits on a table at a farmers market, waiting to be picked up
Five Healing Herbs you can Grow on your Kitchen Windowsill
Growing a small herb garden on a sunny windowsill means you’ll be able to snip some herbs as you need them to cook. Many culinary herbs also have medicinal benefits, so you can make them into healing teas, tinctures, salves, and washes. Thyme, sage, and mint make an excellent cough syrup when mixed with ginger […]
A clean kitchen, ready for cooking!
What Does Your Acupuncturist Eat? A Look Inside Kymberly’s Refrigerator
Kymberly Kelly opens up her refrigerator doors and chats about being a former “junk-food junkie” gone, clean-eating enthusiast. You have a very stocked refrigerator for a New Yorker. Is it hard to keep the shelves full? It is. I got into a habit of keeping the refrigerator stocked this summer because I wanted to make my […]
cut avocado
10 Healing Foods You May Already Have in Your Kitchen
Whenever my stomach hurts I always look for some ginger (we’ll talk about ginger later on, don’t worry!) and so this got me thinking – what other foods around the house, or that are easy to get a hold of, are there that can help to heal me in times of need? I did some […]
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