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Displaying 131-140 results of 599

About Yinova Center
What is the Yinova Center? The Yinova Center is a leading acupuncture and Chinese Medicine practice acclaimed for its expertise in women’s health. Working in partnership with patients, Yinova is dedicated to providing integrative care with meaningful results. At the Yinova Center, we believe that good medicine combines the best that Eastern and Western medicine has to […]
Getting Rid of PMS
Many women dread the last week of every cycle because of how irritable and miserable they feel. Chinese medicine has been treating premenstrual symptoms for thousands of years and here at the YinOva Center we have drawn on this traditional wisdom to help modern New Yorkers address their PMS simply and effectively. Many of our patients are surprised and thrilled to find out that PMS can be solved and that they don't have to put up with feeling moody and uncomfortable every month.
Reviving your Sex Drive
“Can you help me get my mojo back?” Karen¹ was a tired parent with two small children who was worried about their lack of libido. Here at the Yinova Center we regularly hear from people who are concerned that they have little or no interest in sex. To a certain extent, it’s normal for sexual desire […]
brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower
Hormone Balancing Veggies
Cruciferous vegetables are a family rich in sulfur-containing compounds. Yes, this is what gives them their somewhat bitter taste and sometimes gassy aftermath, but flavor well and you should have no problem! If you suffer from PMS, are peri-menopausal, have fibroids or fibrocystic breasts, or are menopausal – these vegetables can be a great help. […]
cookies and milk, a classic combination!
Fertility & Fats: What to Eat and What to Avoid When Trying to Conceive
One recent study said that women* who eat low-fat dairy foods may have a higher risk of infertility than those who treat themselves to full-fat ice cream or cheese. Another found that getting just 2% of total calories from trans fats instead of healthier monounsaturated fats was associated with a doubled risk of infertility. So […]
Endometriosis – A Chinese Medicine Approach
Endometriosis is one of the leading causes of pelvic pain we see here at the Yinova Center. It can seriously affect one’s ability to conceive and can also cause uncomfortable, heavy, or irregular periods. Sometimes there are no symptoms associated with endometriosis and it is only discovered when someone is seeking treatment for infertility. What […]
Surprising Ways Acupuncture Can Boost Your Libido
Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medical practice, has been utilized for thousands of years to treat a wide range of ailments, including chronic pain, nausea, fatigue, and stress. However, many people may be surprised to learn that acupuncture can also assist with sexual dysfunction and low sex drive. For individuals struggling with low libido, acupuncture may […]
A Topical for the Ages: Po Sum On Oil
Po Sum On Oil is a topical analgesic used to increase circulation, warm up painful muscles, and relieve pain. The oil has a delicious cinnamon smell and is applied topically to the skin to provide deep, penetrative warmth for the muscles and tissues.  Po Sum On Oil is a powerful pain reliever because of its jam-packed […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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