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Displaying 101-110 results of 599

Couple in Hotel bed caressing. The woman is looking into the man's eyes
Postpartum Dyspareunia: Painful Sex After Having a Baby
So, you’ve survived 9 months of pregnancy, successfully brought your tiny human into the world, and have weathered the 6-8 weeks of recovery like the superhero that you truly are. Your doctor has given you the good to go, so it is finally time to return to a normal sex life! Right? Well, as it […]
Someone holding 4 books up in the air
January Book Club – Conversations with God
We are so excited to announce that in the New Year we will be hosting a monthly book club! Each discussion will be lead by a different member of the Yinova team and at different Yinova clinics each month! We’ll remind you about the upcoming book club meeting a week beforehand and at the same […]
Woman smiling
The Importance of Having a Pre-mester
Some of the most rewarding things in life often require a decent amount of preparation. As you start thinking about getting pregnant, consider taking three months prior to your goal conception month to prepare your body to conceive. Why three months you ask? Studies have shown that it takes your ovarian follicles around 90-120 to […]
Fertility Foods: Galbi Inspired Pork Tenderloin
Here at Yinova, we often work with people who are looking for support during their fertility journeys. Some are trying to conceive naturally and some are trying with the help of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like in vitro fertilization (IVF). No matter what your path to pregnancy is, diet and lifestyle can play a key […]
a close up of two people holding hands on the beach
What is an IUI & How Can Acupuncture Support the Process?
Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, has become increasingly common and often one of the first interventions offered to those struggling to conceive. Let’s break down what it is, when it’s a good choice to try, tips for having optimal outcomes, and how acupuncture can support the whole process. What exactly is IUI and how does it […]
black woman standing happily against an art filled wall
Detoxing after an IVF Cycle
After going through a cycle of IVF the body often needs a little extra TLC to come back to center. Irregular periods, hot flashes, muscle aches, and bloating are some common signs that your body might appreciate a gentle detox.  
a white woman wearing a black hat standing in a corn field
How Acupuncture Can Assist You Through The Egg Freezing Process
Facebook, Apple, and Google are leading the way to a new era of family planning. With an uptick in progressive health insurance plans that cover elective egg freezing, an increasing number of millennials are now considering taking advantage of this new option. Connecting with Patients In step with this development is a boom in the […]
Could Insomnia Be Affecting Your Fertility?
You may already know that sleep is important to your health, and surely you’ve experienced how vital it is to your state of mind. As it turns out, it is also valuable for fertility; lack of sleep can play a role in infertility. Consequently, sleep was a subject Dr. David and I talked about in […]
Cupping: Not Just an Olympic-sized Trend
A large portion of our country may have only just now become familiar with the ancient medical art modernly known as “cupping,” but it’s far from being a recent trend. As with so many other things, cupping has gained momentous notoriety in the past several days, thanks to famous athletes sporting their very own circular […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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