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Displaying 51-60 results of 570

Nutrient Dense Fats & Conception
When we’re trying to conceive, we all know it is important to eat well. We at Yinova recommend certain foods for different fertility types, you an find out your type here, but in general, it is best to eat a broad range of whole, organic foods: lots of vegetables and fruit (in all colors!), healthy carbs […]
Could Holding Back Tears Harm your Fertility?
Have you ever held back tears in the workplace in fear of being seen as overemotional? Or kept your opinion to yourself afraid others would think you’re too aggressive? Culturally speaking, we’re pressured to repress emotions, especially in the workplace. It’s so important that we recognize our emotional experiences as a strength and support healthy expression […]
jars of nuts spilled on a table
Eating to Conceive: The Importance of Healthy Fats
Imani* had been a strict dieter since college. Georgie* is a yoga teacher and considers themselves a healthy eater. Anne* prides themselves on their macrobiotic diet and low body fat. All of these patients have something in common: all of them came to the Yinova Center because they were having trouble getting pregnant. Each of […]
Herbal Supplements for Children
Parents often ask me to suggest some basic herbal formulas that they can safely give to their children to address minor ailments. All the formulas and supplements below can be kept in your medicine chest and dispensed by you at your discretion. None of them are a replacement for the advice of your pediatrician and […]
Classic Brooklyn street, with a cobbled road and brownstone houses, looking at the Brooklyn bridge
Our Newest Clinic Director: Mary Hamawy
We are thrilled to share with you some very exciting news: Yinova practitioner Mary Hamawy will be stepping into the role of Clinic Director at Yinova Brooklyn Heights! ⁣ ⁣ As a practitioner, Mary’s goal is to offer a safe space for all patients to listen to their bodies and to find their own best path […]
Woman with her arms in the air
Bodywork is Returning, Both Virtually and In-Clinic!
We are grateful to have been able to see so many of you back in our clinic for acupuncture. We’re anticipating having our in-clinic bodywork sessions up and running within the next few weeks, and in the interim, we are excited to announce our newest offering, our Virtual Bodywork Program. At Yinova, we use massage […]
far away shot of a woman standing near beach with blue clear sky
Bodywork for Reproductive Health
We are so thrilled to share with you that we are now offering a new massage service, specifically geared towards supporting your reproductive health!  Yinova’s Reproductive Health Bodywork Program brings together Yinova founder Jill Blakeway‘s methods for enhancing fertility from both her clinical experience and her book, Making Babies, as well as the expertise that […]
Does Soy Affect Sperm Count?
Recently patients have been asking me about long this study which was based on research at The Harvard School of Public Health and published in the journal Human Reproduction. It seems to suggest that men* who eat a lot of soy are more likely to have a low sperm count. It also showed that overweight […]
Summer Books: Yinova’s Reading List
It’s a pretty safe assumption that – at any given time –  everyone at Yinova is reading something about health.  Of course, we all have our other go-to categories and indulgences – from poetry to history to politics and science fiction. Being connected to an evolving sensibility of healing, though, resonates with all of us – […]
Model making a dancing pose holding a tulip with her hands
Reimagined for Our Community: Yinova’s Fertility Type Quiz
Over a decade ago, Yinova founder Dr. Jill Blakeway wrote Making Babies, co-authored with a Reproductive Endocrinologist. Together, they pooled their Eastern & Western medicine knowledge to identify the Five Fertility Types. Since then, we’ve honed our approach to provide even more tailored guidance as a team. We’re excited to share our updated Fertility Type Quiz […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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