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Displaying 291-300 results of 570

Why Bone Broth is Good for you (and how to make your own)
A good soup has healing properties. We’re not talking about any old soup, however. There’s nothing particularly curative about the kind of soup that comes in a can or a carton. Soup’s much-vaunted medicinal properties come from the broth that makes it and that broth gets its goodness from bones. Bone broth has been a […]
Nutrient-Dense Fats to Support Fertility
Do you know what the most essential nutritional element is in the fertility diet? Eating plenty of nutrient-dense fat! Many of my clients have looked skeptical when I say this. I always explain that good fat doesn’t make you fat because your body understands how to both break it down but also how to process […]
The Importance of the Infertility Voice
“When someone is going through a storm, your silent presence is more powerful than a million empty words.” ­–Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis Samantha was invited to her nephew’s birthday party but was struggling when she thought about going. She knew she didn’t want to miss her nephew’s birthday but she also had anxiety when she thought […]
Top 10 Fruits & Vegetables In Season In the Summer
Today, Sarah and I decided to take a little walk to the Union Square Green Market to buy some blueberries for the office. Everything is so fresh and colorful that when we got there we couldn’t help but take some pictures! Then we thought, “wouldn’t it be fun to make a list of some of […]
a black arms man holding a white journal
You Are What You Eat: The Many Colors of Prostate Health
Everyone knows that eating well helps to improve vitality and head off illness. When it comes to specific conditions like prostate cancer, the food choices we make over the years can lessen the chances that disease will take root. One way to make sure that your diet has a broad range of cancer-fighting nutrients is […]
A vibrant and green farmers market with a. wooden sign that says
The Healing Power of Oregano
Here in New York, one of our associations with oregano is the herb in the shakers at the pizza shop. It’s flavorful and goes well with the garlic powder also offered in these establishments. We’re also herbalists so we were pleasantly surprised when we found out that our dentist uses oil of oregano to help […]
Zucchini “Pasta” with Avocado Pesto, Arugula and Shrimp
We first tasted zucchini pasta at a raw food restaurant a few years ago and were blown away by how similar it is to regular noodles only with some very notable health benefits. This article compares regular pasta to the veggie version and reveals that a normal bowl of pasta has 581 calories and 121g of carbs […]
a woman in athletic wear stretching on green grass
On Stretching
As a dancer, I can feel my body getting stiffer and less flexible within days of going without stretching. For most individuals it isn’t necessary to be able to touch your nose to your knees with your legs stretched out, so why is stretching so important? While studying exercise physiology, I have begun to notice […]
Organic thyme sits on a table at a farmers market, waiting to be picked up
Five Healing Herbs you can Grow on your Kitchen Windowsill
Growing a small herb garden on a sunny windowsill means you’ll be able to snip some herbs as you need them to cook. Many culinary herbs also have medicinal benefits, so you can make them into healing teas, tinctures, salves, and washes. Thyme, sage, and mint make an excellent cough syrup when mixed with ginger […]
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