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Displaying 1-10 results of 570

Yinova: Poised for Expansion
We’re really excited to share with you that we have raised a round of seed funding! Our plan is to use this new funding to open up new clinics as well as build out our clinical and product offerings. Yinova’s story Here at Yinova, we’ve always been dedicated to providing complementary care with measurable results. […]
Gratitude Journal
Taking Time to Focus on the Good
Wherever your mind goes, your Qi follows. This sentiment is one that we love and use often in our practice. It’s another way of saying that what you focus on, grows. And to us, it makes sense to focus on the good things. In light of that, we’d love to share with you some of the […]
Rockaway Raffle
Over the past four weeks, since Hurricane Sandy ravaged the coastal regions of New York and New Jersey, we have all seen extraordinary outpourings of generosity and kindness in almost every conceivable form. From those with carpentry & construction skills, to food trucks to healthcare providers, it’s been a time of people being their best. […]
Our herbal pharmacy, filled with amber glass bottles
Yinova is Expanding!
We are so excited to share with you that we will be opening a second location this March in Brooklyn! Here at Yinova, we’ve always been dedicated to providing complementary care with measurable results and we’re thrilled to be able to extend our reach and support the Yinova community, wherever they may be! Our new […]
Male Factor Infertility: How Chinese Medicine Can Help
When patients come to The Yinova Center for fertility treatment we always ask if they or their partner, if they have one, has had a semen analysis. Women* who are not getting pregnant often assume that the problem lies with them and many are surprised to find out that for 40% of infertile couples the […]
Someone in a Lucious green park, holding a sign that says,
Thanksgiving Thoughts: In Appreciation of Appreciation
Many years ago, when my daughter Emma was small, we kept a gratitude journal, the two of us, for a whole year. Every night we’d each write down something we were grateful for. I’d like to pretend this was my idea, but it wasn’t. Emma, who was six at the time, was inspired by something […]
New: Yinova’s At Home Kit
Yinova has long been a sanctuary for busy New Yorkers, and now you can experience some Yinova magic in your own home. Check out the Yinova at home kit, filled with our favorite tools to support a healthy body and tranquil mind. Each kit contains self-care tools and a helpful guide that explains how to […]
What We’re Thankful for at Yinova
This year we thought it would be nice to take a moment and think about what we are grateful for, and we wanted to share with you!                                 Check out Yinova’s Pinterest board to see more gratitude posts from all […]
Tips for Men on Improving Sperm Quality
Guys, if you’re reading this article there is a good chance you are doing so on a laptop. And that said laptop is sitting on your lap. Before we begin, take this off your lap and place it on a table, or a pillow, or lap desk. This is one of the many things men […]
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Schedule your appointment online or email us

We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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