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Displaying 31-40 results of 570

Acupuncture to Support IVF
Here at the Yinova Center, since 1999, we have used traditional Chinese medicine to support patients during fertility treatments. As one of New York’s largest and most well-known acupuncture practices we currently treat thousands of people a year, using acupuncture to support them as they go through IVF. We also take care of couples in […]
How Chinese Medicine Can Help You Prepare for the COVID-19 Vaccine
The COVID Vaccine, as it’s colloquially called, has sparked discussions around the world. Among the many questions, some of the more common ones are, “ is the vaccine safe?” and “I’ve heard about side effects, what do they mean and how can I protect myself?” Safety has always been incredibly important to us; the pandemic […]
woman sitting at a wooden desk with a laptop and coffee writing in a notebook
Fertility Coaching & Support Group, based on the Making Babies Program
Join us for our eight-week Fertility Coaching and Support Group, a unique opportunity for education, guidance, and community support led by senior Yinova practitioner, Anne Brunn. Together we will take this time to enhance fertility, based on the program designed by our founder, Jill Blakeway, from her best-selling book Making Babies. If you’d like to […]
Herbal Consultations: Everything You Need to Know
Here at Yinova, we are dedicated to putting integrative care within your reach and giving you the power to take your health in hand. We do this by using any combination of the tools that Chinese medicine offers us as practitioners. From Acupuncture to gua sha, chinese herbal formulas to nutritional advice, cupping to dietary […]
A woman in a long white skirt walking up a flight of stairs
How to Find a Great Chinese Medicine Practitioner
The process of finding a practitioner who fits your needs, clicks with your personality, is also experienced and a pro in the area of expertise you are seeking to focus on can be challenging to say the least. However, we are here to help make it easier! Whether you are looking for an acupuncturist to […]
woman sitting on a blanket with her laptop next to a basket with flowers
Online Events with the Yinova Team
Social distancing does not have to mean social isolation. We will be organizing online meetups and events to help our community combat cabin fever and stay connected. Watch this space for updates on our upcoming events!  Fertility Group What: Join us for our new four-week Fertility Group; together we will take 4 weeks to enhance fertility, […]
Yinova's Herbal Pharmacy
Yinova’s Herbal Pharmacy is Open
We want to help our community stay as healthy as possible, especially during these difficult times. Our herbal pharmacy is still open and dispensing customized herbal formulas as well as supplements. If you are a current Yinova patient in need of an herbal refill, please contact your practitioner directly and they will send you your […]
Schedule your appointment online or email us

Schedule your appointment online or email us

We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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