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Displaying 381-390 results of 570

Jill Blakeway Books
 ENERGY MEDICINE: THE SCIENCE AND MYSTERY OF HEALING (Harper Collins) MAKING BABIES: A PROVEN 3-MONTH PROGRAM FOR MAXIMUM FERTILITY (Little Brown) SEX AGAIN: RECHARGING YOUR LIBIDO (Workman Press) Product Details Hardcover: 272 pages Publisher: Harper Collins Language: English ISBN-10: 9780062691613 Pre-order here ENERGY MEDICINE: THE SCIENCE AND MYSTERY OF HEALING (Harper Collins) The first comprehensive look at […]
Our Team
At the Yinova Center we believe that our most valuable resource is our talented and experienced team of healthcare practitioners. A large and well-trained group of Chinese medicine practitioners is at the heart of our team. We are all are board certified in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine and between us we cover a range of specialties […]
Fertility Nutrition
Women’s Fertility At The Yinova Center we encourage you to eat a diet that includes fresh, seasonal foods that are organic if possible. Make sure that you get enough protein and eat a broad range of vegetables especially leafy greens, orange vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables. Make sure that you are adequately hydrated and don’t forget to eat some […]
We take pride in the level of skill, experience, & care that our practitioners apply to each & every patient. Initial Consultation Your first experience at Yinova starts with an initial consultation where your practitioner will go over your health history in depth, followed by an acupuncture treatment. Your initial consultation can be done in-clinic […]
Acupuncture For Fertility NYC
Both acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been used for centuries to to improve fertility for both men and women. In fact, more and more scientific studies are being conducted, proving its effectiveness both on it’s own and in conjunction with Western medicine. Practitioners at The Yinova Center are skilled at determining each individual patient’s needs and challenges […]
10 Tips for Reviving a Flagging Libido
Birds do it… bees do it…. sometimes my patients feel as if the only person who isn’t doing it is them. Time and time again patients confide in me that they rarely feel in the mood for sex. They miss the connection that sex gives them and feel guilty that they have let this part […]
Woman wrapped in blanket at top of mountain
12 Simple Ways to Stop a Cold in its Tracks
At this time of year, so many of us seem to be sniffling. The common cold is a viral infection that affects the nose and throat. There are more than 200 viruses that can cause a cold so symptoms vary a bit. It takes about 7-10 days to recover from a cold but in our […]
Breaking Up With Your Daily Cup of Coffee
Preparing for a baby often means making changes in your everyday life- some easier than others. Let’s face it: adding a prenatal vitamin or staying mindful of eating healthy, unsaturated fats are relatively simple tasks compared to letting go of your beloved daily cup (or three) of that rich, dark, and ever so addicting…coffee. There […]
Hands holding kale
A Recipe for a Kale, Lemon, and Cilantro Sandwich
I wrote my first book, Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility, with a doctor, and in the book both Dr. David and I, strongly suggest that couples wanting to conceive should incorporate a fertility-friendly lifestyle. Your diet is one of the main ways you can change your body chemistry every day, which is why […]
face oil
5 Chinese Beauty Secrets
At the Yinova Center, we take issue with the old adage that “beauty is only skin deep”. Chinese medicine sees beauty as a reflection of the state of someone’s whole body. Radiance comes from a strong, vibrant spirit, good nourishment, and enough rest. The holistic nature of Chinese medicine lends itself to the notion that […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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