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Displaying 361-370 results of 570

chicken soup
Cooking with Chinese Herbs: Steamed Chicken to Calm the Mind
You may be getting used to getting your Chinese herbs but did you know there are many herbs that can be used as food? One of my favorite ways of incorporating healing herbs into my life is by cooking with them. This simple recipe for steamed chicken includes red dates known as da zao in […]
Sacred Taoist Sex Secrets
Chinese medicine has a long tradition, going back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220AD), of seeing sex as a spiritual practice and encouraging functional sexuality as a form of healing. This was known as HeQi which literally means “joining energy” and refers to the way, in a good sexual relationship, both partners contribute […]
couple holding hands with their toddler
What is Fragile X Syndrome?
I recently wrote a blog entry that was all about influencing the sex of your baby. All that talk about X and Y chromosomes prompted one of my patients to ask me about Fragile X syndrome. They had just been diagnosed as a carrier for this disorder and wanted me to help her sort through […]
Choosing the Sex of Your Baby
“Is there anything I can do to make it more likely that my baby is a girl?” This was a question that one of my patients asked me a couple of weeks ago. She already has a little boy and, although she’d be happy with another boy, she would dearly love a baby girl. She is […]
Maca Powder
Magnificent Maca: A Peruvian Superfood
Lipidium meyenii, better known as maca, is a South American medicinal plant used for thousands of years by the people of the Andes mountains where it is known as a general health tonic. Traditionally maca was also used for its ability to balance hormones, leading to increased libido and improved fertility. Its reputation as an […]
An Over-Zealous Fertility Diet: A Patient’s Story
I asked our lovely Yinova patient Kate to write this week’s blog entry. When Kate came to see me she had been trying to conceive for several years. She had been diligent about seeking out advice from a variety of conventional and complementary practitioners and had followed their orders to the letter. A previous acupuncturist […]
Blossoms on a city background
Recovering from a Stroke: A Patient’s Story
I asked our Yinova Center patient Jane to write today’s blog entry. Having suffered a stroke, Jane took full responsibility for her own healing in a profound way and sought out the best of conventional and complementary medicine in order to create a path to recovery. Jane has been fearless in confronting the issues that […]
Rustic table with healthy food options
Weight and Fertility
Many of our patients are surprised to find out how much their weight can impact their ability to conceive. In fact, an estimated 12% of all infertility issues are weight-related, and maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) is one of the most helpful things you can do to enhance your fertility. So what is […]
Wholegrain Blueberry Pancakes
When we were writing our book Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility, we found ourselves repeatedly stressing the importance of eating whole grains and a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. Here in America and in the UK, where I come from, we mostly eat refined grains because they are more […]
Uterine Fibroids – How you can help yourself
A 35 year old patient came to see me because of heavy periods which resulted in a  diagnoses of anemia. A 45 year old patient whose abdomen protruded so much that their friends had mistakenly thought they were pregnant. A 39 year old patient who was having difficulty conceiving.. What all these patients had in […]
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