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Displaying 181-190 results of 570

A close up of a baby sleeping peacefully
Sleep Like a Baby
A good night’s sleep is as important to your health as a nourishing diet or getting enough exercise and sleep problems are often an indication that you’re out of balance. That’s why at the Yinova Center we ask you lots of questions about your sleep. Your acupuncturist is likely to ask you some or all […]
Diabetes and Sleep
Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. In our country, Diabetes has reached epidemic levels. There are 20 million diabetics in the USA! The crazy thing is that diabetes develops from such seemingly innocuous lifestyle habits. All it takes is eating a little too much fat and sugar, not exercising […]
Treating Constipation in Babies and Children Naturally
In traditional Chinese medicine, the Middle Jiao is the area generally below the heart to the pubic bone. All Middle Jiao issues revolve around the transformation and transportation of food and fluids. We can include the Stomach, the Intestines, the Spleen, the Liver, the Bladder, and the Uterus in the Middle Jiao. When we think […]
Treating Allergies with Chinese Medicine
Here at the Yinova Center in New York City, we can tell spring is in the air when our patients come in with red eyes and stuffy noses. Seasonal allergies affect one-third of Americans and according to a study published in the September 2004 issue of Allergy Magazine, a combination of Chinese herbs and weekly […]
How Much Acupuncture Do You Need to Support Your IVF?
The first acupuncture and in vitro fertilization (IVF) trial was published a little over a decade ago. Since then, acupuncture’s impact on IVF continues to be investigated. A group of savvy researchers recently published a study analyzing the currently available research to better understand acupuncture’s effect on IVF pregnancy outcomes. In their high-quality meta-analysis, the […]
The Connections Between Hashimoto’s Disease and Wheat
Many of the patients I see have at least one autoimmune condition.  And unfortunately, for the most part it’s one of those situations of when it rains it pours: people who tend to have autoimmune conditions tend to have more than one.  Many of these autoimmune conditions have one surprising thing in common: people tend […]
a box of tissues, ready for the allergy season, sit on a white table.
The Neti Pot: Natural Sinus Relief
Here’s a term you don’t hear every day: Nasal irrigation.  If you are familiar with it, you have probably heard of neti pots, and you may be one of the many people who have found relief from sinus and allergy distress with this simple tool.  It can seem a little strange at first, but for […]
A cozy bed, the sun quietly setting against the bedroom wall
7 Tips to Sleep Better Tonight
“If you are operating on less than five hours of sleep for five days in a row, you are actually functioning as if you were legally intoxicated,” says Lt. Gen. Patricia Horoho, Surgeon General, at the Association of the U.S. Army’s 2012 annual meeting in Washington, D.C. Insufficient sleep can come in several forms – […]
Focus on Cancer: Hot Flashes During Cancer Treatment
Some types of cancer cells are stimulated by naturally occurring hormones in the body like estrogen.  In these cases, drugs such as tamoxifen and letrozole are used to keep hormone levels stable and low.  These drugs are adjuvant therapies used in addition to other cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation and are used to manage […]
A sprig of rosemary, known for its antimicrobial properties
After the Storm: What to do About Mold
I’m writing this in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, which wreaked havoc across the Northeast taking lives, destroying homes, and leaving millions of people without power for several days. As we start to get back to normal this week at the Yinova Center, our hearts go out to people who are still suffering and who […]
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