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Displaying 111-120 results of 570

A woman standing in the sun
More Than Just “Baby Blues”
Our expectation of pregnancy and new parenthood is often one of great excitement and joy but what if that’s not always the reality? We commonly see these experiences portrayed as some of the most blissful and fulfilling times in our lives, and we often feel pressure to act happy or tell others how great things […]
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Emma Explores: Jade Rollers (as She Attempts to Keep her Self-Care Rollin’)
Hello, c’est moi. I’m back and exploring things. For anyone new here, Emma Explores is a series where I investigate various “things” in wellness! From new fads to ancient formulas, my goal is to dive in headfirst with the hopes of demystifying some of the buzziest buzzwords in wellness. Today, I’m looking at Facial Rollers. Facial Rolling, […]
couple kissing in the bedroom
What You Need to Know About Lubricant if You’re Trying to Conceive
Sexual lubricants, especially scented varieties, can interfere with conception. In general, they are too acidic for the sperm to survive and/or swim well in. In addition, the concentration of salts in the lubricants can cause sperm to either shrink or swell beyond their capacity to perform normally. That being said, if you find that you need […]
Treating the Sexual Side Effects of Medication with Chinese Medicine
Sexual desire and function are common concerns for our patients at the Yinova Center. In our experience, the causes of sexual dysfunction for both men and women can be caused by biological factors (age, constitution, etc.) or can be the result of prescription medication use. Thankfully, the latter can be very treatable.
two feet intertwined under the covers
How to Have Sex (if you’re trying to conceive).
I’m going to presume you pretty much have a handle on how to have sex. If you’re looking for inspiration, however, I did write a book on this subject. It’s called Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido and you can buy it online or pick up a copy in our center. But today I’d like to […]
Men’s Health
Noah at the Yinova Center provided immediate relief from the pain of a slipped disc–but my acupuncture treatments have yielded tremendous benefits beyond that as well. The weekly acupuncture sessions have helped me follow through on those changes necessary for better health and [I] have lost 40 pounds in less than 5 months. I’m not […]
What Exactly is the Fertile Fizz?
This is Jill’s 30th episode of Jill’s CBS radio show, Grow Cook Heal! For this show Jill decided to go back to her roots and dedicate the entire episode to the subject of fertility. 
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10 Healing Foods You May Already Have in Your Kitchen
Whenever my stomach hurts I always look for some ginger (we’ll talk about ginger later on, don’t worry!) and so this got me thinking – what other foods around the house, or that are easy to get a hold of, are there that can help to heal me in times of need? I did some […]
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