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Displaying 91-100 results of 570

cookies and milk, a classic combination!
Fertility & Fats: What to Eat and What to Avoid When Trying to Conceive
One recent study said that women* who eat low-fat dairy foods may have a higher risk of infertility than those who treat themselves to full-fat ice cream or cheese. Another found that getting just 2% of total calories from trans fats instead of healthier monounsaturated fats was associated with a doubled risk of infertility. So […]
Endometriosis – A Chinese Medicine Approach
Endometriosis is one of the leading causes of pelvic pain we see here at the Yinova Center. It can seriously affect one’s ability to conceive and can also cause uncomfortable, heavy, or irregular periods. Sometimes there are no symptoms associated with endometriosis and it is only discovered when someone is seeking treatment for infertility. What […]
Breathe In; Breathe Out: The Art of the Sigh
I have been sighing a lot lately. Any acupuncturist worth their salt who heard that now would say, “of course you are; it’s that time of year, the beginning of Spring!”.  One of the hallmarks of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a connection to the planet’s rhythms. This season of the year – the approaching […]
Surprising Ways Acupuncture Can Boost Your Libido
Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medical practice, has been utilized for thousands of years to treat a wide range of ailments, including chronic pain, nausea, fatigue, and stress. However, many people may be surprised to learn that acupuncture can also assist with sexual dysfunction and low sex drive. For individuals struggling with low libido, acupuncture may […]
11 Fertility Superfoods to Know About When Trying to Conceive
When you’re trying to conceive, you might feel like you need a PhD in nutrition. What foods should you be eating (or avoiding)? Will that glass of wine impact your fertility? It’s enough to make your head spin! Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. Here are 11 fertility superfoods that can help increase your chances of […]
India's rolling green hills
A Look Into the World of Ayurveda with Divya Alter
Chinese medicine and Ayurveda are two sciences that put emphasis on prevention and intuition. We had the honor of chatting with Divya Alter, co-founder of Divya’s Kitchen and Bhagavat Life in New York City to learn more about Ayurveda and the role it plays in her life.   How did your journey into nutrition and Ayurveda […]
A Deeper Look at Grief from a Chinese Medicine Perspective
I’m often asked by my patients how I got into this type of Medicine. When I tell them I was originally needle phobic and tried it as a last resort to help with grief, the majority of them say – “I had no idea acupuncture could work for that.”  To which I usually reply, “neither […]
Yinova Brooklyn Heights waiting room
What To Do After Your Acupuncture Treatment
We’ve written before about how to best prepare for a treatment but what about after you get out of an acupuncture treatment? Yinova practitioners Aileen Moy, DACM, LAc, Kelsey Tangel DACM, LAc, and Thea McCallion LAc, MS are sharing their advice on the most commonly asked post-treatment questions our patients have! Right after treatment is such […]
a handful of pink mushrooms lay on a wooden chopping board
A Look Into the World of Hormonal Health with Sophie Shepard
Here at Yinova, we treat all of our patients using a whole-body system and we love connecting with other health practitioners who take the same approach. Most of our patients are coming to us for guidance on their hormonal imbalances, which we often treat through their gut.  We recently caught up with Sophie Shepard, a […]
a closeup of two white men holding each other
How to Reclaim Your Sexual Identity with Simone Farschi
Here at Yinova, it’s not uncommon for us to hear from our patients that they feel they’ve lost a connection with their sexuality. We treat many patients going through fertility journeys, navigating the postpartum world, or experiencing painful sex for a variety of reasons-all of which can change their outlooks on what it means to […]
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