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Displaying 71-80 results of 570

Fertility Acupuncture for Couples
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in Asia to boost fertility and address the kinds of medical problems that prevent a couple from conceiving. Recently it has become a popular adjunctive treatment to IVF after studies have shown that it can increase the efficacy of IVF by 50%. At Yinova we use Chinese medicine […]
A clothes line out side of a building, and on it hands one beige t-shirt and two pairs of underwear, one black and one white
“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Embarrassing Itches
During pregnancy, a thickening of the vaginal muscle layer, combined with an increase in the hormone estrogen, will cause the cells in the vagina to multiply in preparation for childbirth. As a result, you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. This is similar to the discharge experienced during the menstrual cycle; however, during pregnancy, […]
Clean lungs on a model skeleton
Can Acupuncture Help Me Stop Smoking?
Here at The Yinova Center we often hear from people who are trying to give up smoking. We understand that quitting smoking can be really tough and we want to support you in whatever way we can. So can acupuncture help? The answer according to clinical research is mixed. This study compared acupuncture to sham […]
Everyday Superfoods for Fertility
Here at Yinova, we have been singing the praises of goji berries, wheatgrass, and maca powder. However, any food that is high in antioxidants and phytonutrients could be called a superfood and, bearing this in mind, I thought it might be useful to look at a couple of everyday foods that pack a nutritional punch. […]
Mother breastfeeding her newborn baby boy. Mom nursing small kid.
Everything You Need to Know About Lactation
One of my patients who just gave birth recently described to me what a failure they felt when they found out that they were not able to infant-feed. They told a horrible tale of being belittled in the maternity hospital and how the lactation consultant made them feel as if they weren’t trying hard enough. […]
Two girls from behind , running in the middle of a dry field they wearing maxi dresses.
Let’s Make This the Year of Realistic Resolutions
Having a New Year’s resolution can be a helpful tool for self-improvement, but it can also end up being super stressful. Yes, challenging yourself towards self-improvement can be a good thing, but with so many suggestions flying around, the “thing” that you “need” to improve on can start to get a bit murky. It seems […]
man with mist around his mist
Black Lives Matter
These undeniably painful times are a call to all of us to search our hearts and act in a way that creates meaningful change so that collectively we can build a more just and equitable world. Here at Yinova, we are committed to being a voice against systemic racism and police brutality as well as […]
Modern laptop with blank screen placed on desk amidst various potted plants and books near concrete wall at home
Virtual Wellness & Herbal Medicine Consultations
We want you to know that we are here for you and that we’d love to be a resource for you in as many ways as we possibly can. That’s why we have launched Virtual Wellness & Herbal Medicine Consultations – so that you can connect with your practitioner no matter where you are! During […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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