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Displaying 561-570 results of 570

Acupuncture for General Health
DIGESTIVE ISSUES Our experienced team at the Yinova Center can help you manage a spectrum of digestive issues including, but not limited to IBS, acid reflux, heart burn, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, fissures, bloating and gas.  With a combination of acupuncture, herbs, dietary changes, and specific supplements, your acupuncturist will provide […]
Jill Blakeway, DACM, LAc
Dr. Jill Blakeway is an acupuncturist, herbalist, author of Making Babies, & the founder of Yinova.. Described as a “fertility goddess” & named as one of Manhattan’s top acupuncturists by the New York Times, she credits much of her success to combining the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine with modern, conventional biomedicine.
First Visit
Taking your health in hand. Our Front Desk We are open seven days a week, with appointment times available all day, including early mornings and evenings after work. When you call to make an appointment, our reception team will be glad to find a time that works in your schedule, as well as to help […]
Amanda Silver, LAc, MS
Amanda has over two decades of experience & specializes in women's health. Amanada is a licensed & board-certified acupuncturist & herbalist with a Masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Health & Science.
Pregnant person, smiling and standing in the sun!
Pre Labor Acupuncture: How to Avoid Medical Induction
We have had great success treating pregnant patients and helping them to go into labor “on-time”. These days not many doctors will allow their patients to carry past 41 weeks. Unfortunately, babies do not always know the timeline which, leads to anxious parents-to-be worrying about Pitocin, cervadil, or a scheduled C-section. Stress makes for tight […]
Our Advice Going Gluten Free
Lots of us enjoy trying something fresh for the New Year. And since many of you have been buzzing about going gluten-free, we thought we’d explore it further. If you feel like you don’t understand all the fuss, you are not alone. With so much media attention, going gluten-free is quickly becoming a fad diet […]
The Inner Smile Meditation
“Peace begins with a smile” – Mother Theresa The ancient Taoists, who were the founding fathers of Chinese medicine, understood the healing nature of a smile. In fact, they developed a meditation practice whereby you hold a smile on your face and direct that energy inwards to your internal organs. It’s one of my favorite […]
Woman in orange shirt standing by brick wall
A Gentle Fertility Friendly Cleanse
Spring is a great time to do a cleanse, but some cleanses aren’t particularly safe when you are trying to get pregnant. A lot of popular cleanses today involve fasting or just drinking juices/water, which can be draining to the vital energies needed to get pregnant. Chinese Medicine generally advises against strict fasting and recommends […]
Practitioner giving acupuncture to a patient
What’s In a Needle?
People feel so relaxed and pain-free after acupuncture that they regularly ask me “What’s in those needles?”. The answer is nothing! Acupuncture needles couldn’t be more different from the needles used to give you a shot. They are so thin you could tie them in a knot if you needed to. So why do you […]
woman standing in sunlight field of flowers
Chemical Pregnancies & Early Pregnancy Loss
Some of my patients tell me that they feel pregnant towards the end of some cycles but then get a negative pregnancy test. Others briefly show a positive result on a home pregnancy test but then get their period. I encourage my patients to look out for the early warning signs of pregnancy because they […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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