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Displaying 411-420 results of 569

The Autumn Equinox: A Reflection on Balance
The balance of light and dark in the heavens is on the cusp of being perfectly divided. We are approaching our autumn equinox. Unlike the solstices, which are experienced as the opposite extremes of summer and winter in the Northern or Southern hemispheres, the autumn and vernal equinoxes are a brief moment of equilibrium that […]
A close up of green tropical leaves
We’re in the Hamptons!
Our team of Chinese medicine practitioners are dedicated to supporting you and your health goals, no matter where you are. Starting this June, all through the summer, Yinova will be bringing acupuncture out to the Hamptons for the first time ever! We will be popping up at a studio in East Hampton a few days […]
Black History Month: People in Medicine and Science Who Inspire Us
Black History Month is an annual celebration of the achievements of Black Americans in U.S. History. We have gathered together a few highlights on people, primarily women, in medicine and science, who have inspired and impacted us. The Black Panther Party The Black Panther Party helped introduce acupuncture to the U.S. mainstream through their free […]
Photo of the book Sex Again: Recharging Your LIbido
February Book Club – Sex again: Recharging Your Libido
Join us on February 24th at 6 pm for a discussion with, Dr. Jill Blakeway, author and founder of Yinova, for a discussion about her second book, “Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido“. About the Book: Despite what you see in movies and TV, Americans have less sex than people in any other country. One in three […]
someone laying in a flower filled field
Natural Remedies to Help Reduce Anxiety & Start the Healing Process
The body is extremely intelligent: it is resilient and has an ingrained instinct to survive and thrive. Oftentimes, the body is able to reduce anxiety and increase a sense of well-being by tapping into its own hardwiring which encourages a shift in brain chemistry and stress hormones. However, in some cases, tapping into that hardwiring […]
A woman in an orange dress walks into a vibrant green field
Trying to Conceive with PCOS & Endometriosis: A Patient’s Story
Mia* was on the verge of giving up trying to conceive. With a PCOS and endometriosis diagnosis, coupled with multiple failed IVF attempts, her doctor had told her that her chances of having a baby were less than 1%. Her hope was steadily declining, which is when she decided to try acupuncture. She’d heard it […]
The Energy Medicine book on a shelf with tincture bottles
September Book Club: Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing
Join Yinova founder and author, Dr. Jill Blakeway, for this month’s book club where we’ll be discussing her latest book, “Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing.” This book bridges the gap between science and spirituality whilst offering a persuasive, evidence-based case that advances this ancient healing practice. Join us on September 30th a […]
woman sitting on stairs, resting in between exercises
Self-Help Strategies for Uterine Fibroids
A 35-year-old patient came to see me for periods that were so heavy that they’d had been diagnosed with anemia. A 45-year-old patient came to me with an abdomen that protruded so much that their friend had mistakenly thought they were pregnant. A 39-year-old patient of mine had been having difficulty conceiving. What all these patients […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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