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Displaying 331-340 results of 570

yummy, filling, quinoa stir fry filled with nutritious vegetables
Quinoa Stir Fry with Chicken and Veggies
Stir-fries have become a favorite dish of mine since they are not only quick and easy, which works well with a busy schedule but provides a multitude of variations in ingredients. This recipe came together one day as a result of using leftover veggies found in my fridge and some additions I thought would be […]
Feeling Fatigued? Use Food to Build More Blood!
Feeling fatigued? Instead of drinking more coffee, try building more blood! During the menstruation cycle, the amount of blood loss can lead people to become, what Chinese medicine would refer to as, “blood deficient.” There are other causes of blood deficiency as well, like low amounts of iron or B12-containing foods in one’s diet, among other […]
Someone standing on a beach, the sun is out and the wind is in their hair
Do You Know How to Breathe?
Is there a “right” way to breathe? While there is not a singular “right” way to breathe, taking a look at what muscles you are using to breathe will tell you a lot about where you hold tension. And yes, there are more efficient ways to breathe that minimize excess tension and stress. The diaphragm is the […]
melatonin pills on a side dish near some leaves on a table.
Is Melatonin Dangerous?
New York has a reputation for sleeplessness. Based in the heart of downtown in a city that never sleeps, here at the Yinova Center, we know a thing or two about insomnia and it probably won’t surprise you to hear that we treat large numbers of sleepless New Yorkers. Many of them come to us […]
Woman looking out over a lake
IVF and Ovarian Cancer: A New Study Causes Unnecessary Alarm
The recent Dutch study revealing a possible link between IVF and borderline ovarian tumors has caused some panic amongst our patients and I’d like to set everyone’s mind at ease. This was a large and long term study comparing ovarian cancer rates in nearly 20,000 women* who received IVF with about 6,000 infertile women* who […]
freshly picked apples, ready for a baked crumble!
It’s Apple Picking Time: A Recipe for Apple (or Pear!) Crumble
I love the rhythms of the country and the way the passage of time is marked by the fruits and vegetables we grow and the foods we eat. I look forward to each crop from the early summer peas and beans to the autumn pumpkins and squashes. However, nothing generates more excitement in our house […]
An array of colorful, hot peppers, filled with healing powers and capabilities
Some Like it Hot: The Healing Power of Peppers
When I go to a restaurant and look over a menu, I can be rather indecisive. One question that I never linger on though is “would you like that mild, medium, or hot?” Hot peppers are a favorite seasoning in our home, and we grow them from seed in our garden. Whether it is the […]
assorted cut green veggies on green table
Cool as a Cucumber on a Hot Day
Cucumbers thrive in warm sunny weather and in our garden we tend to have dozens that ripen at the same time. It makes me realize why, in days gone by, people invented dill pickles, because it’s hard to keep up with a cucumber harvest and a shame to waste them. Cucumbers have been used medicinally […]
fresh herbs on a cutting board
A Recipe for Beer-Can Chicken
Beer Can Chicken: it’s a simple concept. Make a tasty rub for your chicken and keeping it whole, prop it up on an open can of beer over the barbecue. As the chicken cooks the beer simmers inside and the steam cooks the bird from the inside out. This allows the flavor of the beer […]
creamy soup
Butternut Squash and Kale Soup
This is a wonderful soup for people who are tired or convalescing because in Chinese medicine winter squash is a qi tonic. Butternut squash is mostly eaten in the autumn when it is said to have absorbed the sun’s energy over the summer and packs a warming nutritional punch as the days get colder. However, […]
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