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Displaying 321-330 results of 570

holiday treats
My Top 5 Instant Stress-Busters for the Holiday Season (and Beyond!)
This is a fun time of year, but it’s stressful for most people. And here at the Yinova Center, I’ve recently been treating a lot of insomnia and neck and shoulder tension. According to the CDC, 85% of diseases have an emotional component, and a 20-year study, conducted by researchers at the University of London, […]
How to Beat Those Winter Woes
Whether you’re feeling under the weather or the grey days are making you gloomy, we have some tips to winter-proof your body, mellow your mood and soothe aches and sniffles. Dry Skin Moving from the freezing cold outside into overheated conditions inside can play havoc with your skin leaving it dry and flaky. Using a […]
mom and new born baby enjoy the sand and beach
A Look at Pelvic Floor Therapy
Finally, your bundle of joy has arrived! Those first several weeks just seem to fly by, don’t they? Adjusting to feeding schedules and sleeping routines (or lack thereof) can be overwhelming at best.  Sadly, many people also live with pain, especially during intercourse, and even urine leakage (incontinence). While medication, and in some situations even […]
Two people laying together outside, taking in the sunshine and enjoying the day
Treating Depression: The Chinese Medicine Alternative to SSRI’s
Depression and its counterpart anxiety are the most common mood disorders, affecting approximately one in five people at some point in their lives. Over the years, treatments for depression and anxiety have evolved into what we know today. SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are a relatively new group of antidepressants that specifically inhibit the reuptake […]
herbs and spices on white wood table
5 Warming Herbs to Spice up Your Life
Chinese herbs have a reputation for being exotic, and it’s true that some of the ingredients in our medicinal herbal formulas are quite rare and specialized. However, throughout China and India, it’s also traditional to use common cooking spices for health and healing. As the weather gets cooler, it’s helpful to add some warming spices […]
Follow the Kidney Meridian to an Erogenous Destination
Perhaps you’ve heard an acupuncturist speak of the system of meridians on the body and how they plan to use points along them to address certain issues at hand. To give a simple visual, I like to imagine the meridians as rivers. They course the lengths of the body, branching with siphons and into reservoirs […]
an aerial shot of Peru
The Natural Pharmacy of The Amazon
I’m back after a two-week trip to Iquitos, Peru where I had the opportunity to study herbal medicine with a group of Shipibo Shamen. The experience of working with these masters was nothing short of extraordinary. Shipibo traditions span millennia, and much of the culture is embodied in their medicine. As an herbalist myself, much […]
Is Stress Lowering Your Sex Drive?
I wrote Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido because patients tell me they wish they were more interested in sex and when I ask them what they think lowers their libido they often mention stress. Stressed out people usually don’t feel like having sex, which is a shame really because sex is a great stress reliever. The relationship […]
Person, happy and smiling, with a black hat on and standing in front of a big bush filled with yellow flowers
How to Eat to Avoid Migraines (+ A Recipe!)
Migraines can be a chronic condition which, for some sufferers, can interfere with daily activities. The cause of migraines varies in each individual, but a common trigger, and possible means of prevention, is diet. Tyramine, an amino acid formed by the breakdown of protein in aged foods, is known to trigger migraines in many individuals. […]
A minimalist kitchen with an orange dutch oven and some plants
What Does Your Acupuncturist Eat? A Look Inside Laura’s Refrigerator
As a Baby Boomer, raised in the ’50s and ’60s, Laura Scheurer witnessed a change in how families congregated for meals and the food they ate. “I grew up with TV dinners, Ring Dings, Twinkies, Captain Crunch, Fruit Loops, bologna, white bread, coke, and chips,” Laura recounts. In contrast with the societal shift to processed foods, Laura’s […]
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