
Results for "Men/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/3874B6_0_0.woff2"

Displaying 251-260 results of 570

Woman looking up
How much IVF is too much?
Choosing to pursue IVF can leave you with many questions. One of the most common questions we hear a lot at Yinova is, “How much IVF is too much?” This is an excellent question and like so many important questions posed to medical practitioners: it depends.  We live in a time and place where Assisted […]
How to Prepare For a Cleanse
Spring cleaning is a common chore we do every year; it helps us refresh and bring balance and order into our homes. Much like our homes, spring cleaning our bodies can be a nice transition into the new season, but choosing the right cleanse for you is a process in itself.  Before we talk about how […]
Chief clinic director at Yinova and paramedic, Dr. Noah Rubinstein
Extra Support for Frontline Workers
My connection to emergency medicine goes back a long time. Formally an FDNY paramedic in Harlem back in the ’90s, I recently renewed my paramedic license as a way to stay connected to emergency medicine and to my family in the field.  Frontline workers have been on my mind a lot throughout this pandemic as […]
Wild dandelions
Dandelions: Recipes from a Foraging Herbalist
As someone who has lived in a major city for over a decade, I have lost touch with the seasonal blooms of flowers. COVID-19 brought me back to the suburbs for quarantine and slowed down my typical pace of life. I decided to take this opportunity to become the foraging herbalist I imagined I would […]
Blog author, Selina, and her son enjoying a sunny day in the park
How I Explained COVID-19 to My 5 Year Old
The outbreak of COVID-19 has left parents scrambling. Since my son Christopher (aged 5) has started school, there have been times where I’ve had to have meaningful conversations with him. Topics such as bullying, being kind to others, sharing, and what it means to be a friend has popped up on more than one occasion. […]
Woman meditating as a form of reducing stress and anxiety levels
How Stress Impacts Our Reproductive Hormones
We are living in uncertain times, and with uncertainty brings a level of heightened stress. As I write this, the COVID-19 global pandemic is at its peak in the US: most businesses are shut, many people have lost their jobs, and thousands are being diagnosed with a potentially deadly virus each day. We have truly […]
Woman in the middle of her skin care routine
Tackling Premenstrual Acne from a Chinese Medicine Perspective
Many women come to me before getting their period who are suffering from acne. This is also a common complaint of women who have recently come off the pill. The skin is the largest organ in the human body yet so often we neglect it unless something goes wrong. When issues present on the skin, […]
Unmade bed sheets
Sex After Baby: A Panel Discussion
Join us on February 12th at 6:30 pm at Yinova Brooklyn Heights for a panel discussion about having sex, reconnecting with yourself & reconnecting with your partner – postpartum. This panel of experts will guide you through a discussion covering the physical, hormonal, and emotional factors that could be playing a role in preventing you […]
Lucky lanterns for lunar new year
Healthy Almond Cookies for Lunar New Year
This year, Lunar New Year falls on January 25th and is the Year of the Rat! We’ll share more later this week about what the Year of the Rat has in store for us, but today I thought I’d celebrate by baking Chinese Almond Cookies. They’re said to look like coins and symbolize prosperity and so […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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