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Displaying 141-150 results of 570

Woman standing in a maze of greenery
Navigating Your Fertility Journey Through a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
In the year 2020, it has been predicted that an estimated 276,480 women* in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and 48,530 women* will be diagnosed with non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer. For someone receiving a diagnosis like this, among a wide range of new concerns, thoughts of how to start a […]
How Barre Changed My Life: An Interview with Kristine Storie of Xtend Barre
Over the years, since moving into our Brooklyn Heights location, we’ve had the privilege of meeting many incredible people and businesses right in our neighborhood. Xtend Barre is one of those places, in fact; they’re our neighbors! Every one of their instructors is a shining beacon of light. Filled with love and compassion, they’ve truly […]
 Patient receiving gua sha from a Yinova practitioner
The Beginner’s Guide to Gua Sha
In Chinese medicine, gua sha is an ancient technique that can be used to relieve acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain, improve circulation and reduce inflammation, support the immune system and address upper respiratory illnesses, and release tension in areas where there is restricted movement. It can even be used for beautifying techniques like de-puffing and […]
woman standing in the sun with her hands in her hair
Sweat: What it Means From a Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective
Sweating is an essential function of the body that helps to excrete metabolic wastes, cool the body down, and moisten our skin. The way in which we sweat is affected by a lot of factors including diet, medications, mood, hormone levels, and the presence of certain medical conditions.  Sweat is an important part of diagnostics […]
light pink roses on white background
How to Use Roses, From a Chinese Medicine Perspective
“Ahhh…” – that feeling when you smell a fragrant, sweet rose and let out a long sigh.  Yinova practitioner, Dr. Meghan Sultana describes why roses are so useful in Chinese medicine:  In Chinese herbology, we use Mei Gui Hua (dried Chinese rosebuds, or rosae rugosae flos) to invoke this exact feeling of ease. Mei gui […]
Fertility Coaching and Support Group, based on the Making Babies Program
Join us for an eight-week Fertility Coaching and Support Group led by two Yinova Chinese medicine practitioners. Together we will take 8 weeks to enhance fertility, based on the program designed by our founder, Jill Blakeway, from her best selling book Making Babies. We will keep all groups small so that everyone can receive individual advice […]
woman holding a seed stick
Seed Cycling: How to Bring your Hormones Back into Balance
We talk about hormonal balance a lot here at the Yinova center; in fact, one of the most common things we hear when seeing someone for the first time is that they feel their hormones are “off” in some way:  causing disruptions to their menstrual cycles, skin, digestion, energy, or mood. We see hormonal imbalances present […]
Full moon over pink mountains
April’s Pink Supermoon: The Brightest Moon of 2020
The evening of Tuesday, April 7th will boast the most resplendent Full Moon of the year. We’re here to reveal all you need to know about what this beautiful moon will bring and how you can best take care of your physical and energetic bodies in preparation for this exquisite lunar event. Facts & Figures […]
man with mist around his mist
Moving Through Collective Grief
As I listen to the concerns of my patients and process my own emotions, I am reminded of the stages of grief formulated by the great psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross who pioneered end-of-life care. She observed common stages in her patients who were struggling with loss: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. We’ve all had moments […]
Tiny buddha statue on a large green leaf
Sangha Sessions with Jessa Zinn
The Yinova Center is focused on keeping our sense of community alive and well during this unprecedented time. We feel the best way to get through this is to get through it together. There are many instructor-led videos on YouTube that are great for the self-practice of yoga, breathwork, and meditation; but our goal is […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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