
Results for "Men/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/3874B6_0_0.woff2"

Displaying 121-130 results of 570

A close up of some hands, gently resting on a book, as the person sitting there is reading
Settling Your Mind With Acupressure
Patients often ask us for ideas on what they can do for themselves between acupuncture visits. Among the suggestions we make, self-treatment acupressure is a favorite. Acupressure is a form of healing that has been used for thousands of years around the world. While it is part of many traditional medicines, it is most commonly […]
How to Combat Jet Lag, Gently & Naturally
This is the time of year when our Yinova Center patients ask us about jet lag. Some people travel more in the summer and as a result, our patients are looking for safe, natural ways of limiting jet lag or desynchronosis to give it it’s proper medical name. A long flight on a stuffy plane […]
Man looking at sunset
Improving Sperm Health
New sperm are created every day and those sperm come to fruition within 72 days. This is good news for people who want to give their fertility a boost because it means that within three months they can make a big difference to reproductive health. For more detailed information it is worth checking out our book […]
Insomnia Solution
We all understand the importance of a good night’s sleep, but for some of us, it can be hard to achieve.  This is something we treat a lot at the Yinova Center and we’re very fortunate to have a big bag of tricks for this troubling issue. When someone comes in with difficulty sleeping, we […]
Rainbow Crystals for a Cause
For the month of June, we’re offering an add-on service of $10 ear acupressure treatments using rainbow crystal ear seeds! All of the proceeds will be donated to both the LGBT Center & the Brooklyn Pride Center.  Ear seeds stay in place for about 3 days & whilst they don’t pierce the skin, they do […]
Festive lanterns
Celebrating the Lunar New Year
Happy Lunar New Year! This time of year marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring and, as such, is an excellent time to set some goals and intentions for the year ahead. Lunar New Year marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It is a time when families get […]
Acupuncture for Men’s Health
Acupuncture and herbs can be beneficial for supporting all of the unique challenges and changes that occur as men age. From supporting fertility, virility and sperm quality to addressing prostate inflammation and hormone balance: Chinese herbs and acupuncture are a great addition to any man’s health routine. LOW LIBIDO It is estimated that 31% of […]
Herbs and Supplement Safety at the Yinova Center
A recent article in the New York Times explored impurities in a few poor quality herbal supplements that supposedly aid in weight loss and low libido.  We are saddened that these products exist and are giving Chinese herbs a bad reputation. We would like to reassure our patients that purchasing herbal products and supplements appropriately […]
Our Method
The Yinova Method describes how we practice an ancient medicine in a thoroughly modern way.  Since 1999, we’ve developed a system that is deeply rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine and yet integrates seamlessly with the Western medical care our patients receive. We call this the Yinova Method and you can find a good example of […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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