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Displaying 51-60 results of 510

Five Simple Ways to Improve Fertility with Functional Medicine
I recently saw three different patients in my New York City functional medicine practice in the same week who are hoping to become pregnant. One is 22 and recently suffered a miscarriage. She wanted to understand what she could do to prevent another one. The second is 31 and she and her husband have stopped […]
Fertility and Exercise: Why it’s Good to Exercise, but Not Too Much
Whilst moderate exercise helps relieve stress and prepare a body for a healthy pregnancy, spending too much time in the gym can impair fertility, according to a new study of 3,000 women* published in last month’s edition of Human Reproduction. In our book, Making Babies, we suggest that patients who are trying to conceive do […]
Everyday Superfoods for Fertility
Here at Yinova, we have been singing the praises of goji berries, wheatgrass, and maca powder. However, any food that is high in antioxidants and phytonutrients could be called a superfood and, bearing this in mind, I thought it might be useful to look at a couple of everyday foods that pack a nutritional punch. […]
two feet intertwined under the covers
How to Have Sex (if you’re trying to conceive).
I’m going to presume you pretty much have a handle on how to have sex. If you’re looking for inspiration, however, I did write a book on this subject. It’s called Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido and you can buy it online or pick up a copy in our center. But today I’d like to […]
Woman laughing in overalls
Send in the Clowns: Could Laughter be the Key to Improving IVF Cycles?
My patients often ask me what they can do to improve their success during an IVF, and my answer usually surprises them. Laugh!   In addition to receiving acupuncture after having an embryo transfer, I tell my patients to go home, relax, and watch some funny movies. A study published in the respected Fertility and Sterility medical journal last […]
Navigating GLP-1 Medications: A Holistic Approach
Does Ozempic enhance fertility?  GLP-1 medications and their effect on weight, addictions, and hormone balance.  Semaglutides such as Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Wegovy are in the news. For anyone who has struggled with weight, they are a great help, and they’ve proved so popular that Goldman Sachs predicts 70 million Americans will have tried these drugs […]
An Infertility Gratitude List
You’ve heard the story a thousand times before: woman spends the better part of her adult life trying to not get pregnant then tries to get pregnant and can’t… Shortly after turning 36, my boyfriend (now my husband) and I decided we wanted to have kids together. At first we thought it could happen right […]
Are Prenatal Vitamins Really Necessary?
It’s a pretty wild concept, I know. How could it be that in our “pill-for-every-ill, nutrition-in-a-bottle” world, swallowing handfuls of daily supplements might just be…. Unnecessary? Here is, however, one way and one-way only. It’s called food.  Real food, to be exact, the kind that sprouts up from the fertile ground or lives on green […]
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