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Displaying 441-450 results of 510

Woman in orange shirt standing by brick wall
How to Spot the Early Signs of Pregnancy
Our patient’s often ask us what the early signs of pregnancy are. It is useful to look out for them even though they can be a little confusing. Realistically, the only conclusive way of knowing that you are pregnant is a positive pregnancy test however the signs outlined below may give you a hint. Our […]
Wintery landscape
Winter Blues: Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder
It is early November and the exhilarating colors of autumn are falling away with the leaves. For many of my patients, the desire to get outside and “take it all in” is also starting to give way to dreams of hibernation. By nature, we all slow down during the winter months. According to Chinese Medicine, […]
Preparing for Autumn
Whilst studying Chinese medicine I was introduced to the idea that our bodies are in tune with nature and that we can and should adapt our behavior in response to nature. At the time this was news to me but over the years I have appreciated the wisdom of taking my cues from the seasons. […]
man sitting on a cushion
Anxiety: How Acupuncture Can Help
Everyone feels anxious sometimes but if you find yourself feeling anxious a lot of the time or are generally anxious without reason you may find it helpful to tell your doctor and enlist the help of an acupuncturist. The NIH (National Institute of Health) has supported acupuncture as a treatment for anxiety since 1997 and […]
The Inner Smile Meditation
“Peace begins with a smile” – Mother Theresa The ancient Taoists, who were the founding fathers of Chinese medicine, understood the healing nature of a smile. In fact, they developed a meditation practice whereby you hold a smile on your face and direct that energy inwards to your internal organs. It’s one of my favorite […]
vitamins in palm of a hand
Why You Should Take Extra B Vitamins if You Use the Birth Control Pill
Years ago doctors used to tell their patients to take extra B vitamins when using oral contraceptives. Like many pieces of medical wisdom, this advice has fallen by the wayside and people often don’t know that their birth control pills can be causing vitamin B depletion. At Yinova, we advise all our patients who are […]
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Postpartum Depression
I was in my local soup shop yesterday, reading an article in Cookie Magazine about postpartum anxiety when I realized that I see more people suffering from postpartum anxiety than postpartum depression. The need for new parents to wear so many hats is definitely taking its toll on our sanity. People are also waiting longer […]
Woman leaning against a wall
Training for Menopause: Five Ways You Can Prepare
Ah menopause! It can be a touchy subject for those of us who are heading towards this transition. There seems to be so much to dread… hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, headaches, fatigue, and weight gain. Clearly this doesn’t sound like fun but I have some good news. Here at the Yinova Center, we have […]
Festive lanterns
Celebrating the Lunar New Year
Happy Lunar New Year! This time of year marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring and, as such, is an excellent time to set some goals and intentions for the year ahead. Lunar New Year marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It is a time when families get […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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